Five fingers for a structured speech. Five-finger speech structure.

Five fingers for a structured speech. 5-finger speech structure.

How to structure your speech

5-finger speech structure


A good reason for speaking; a specific message has to be communicated. In practice, however, it happens far too often that in the end, it is not clear to the listener what it was about. Whether in speeches, presentations, or conversations, listeners very often ask themselves what it was all about.

It is usually because speakers have not thoughtfully structured their speech and have not prioritized the content. How about a hint to make it more effective?

It is better to structure your speech in such a way that the listeners clearly understand what you intended to convey to them at the end. This requires appropriate preparation. However, there is not always a lot of time available for this. Then, for example, the 5-finger speech structure can be very helpful. Here you can learn how.

You have something to say? Let's make sure it gets the chance it deserves.

How to structure speeches with the five-finger speech format


If the audience does not understand the intended message at the end of a speech, it is usually because speakers have not thoughtfully structured their speech and have not prioritized the content.

It is much better to structure speeches in such a way that the audience clearly understands what you wanted to convey to them at the end. This requires appropriate preparation. However, there is not always much time available for this. In meetings, for example, spontaneity is required. It is good to know that the 5-finger speech structure can also be very helpful for impromptu speeches. Here you can learn how.




The five-finger speech structure step by step


It’s a very simple procedure. Each finger of a hand represents a step. So you always have the order of your argumentation in your hand:



1. The thumb


The thumb is expressing the “status quo”. Give an overview of the actual situation. Describe the general conditions and possible consequences.

What is positive about it and what opportunities are associated with it. Where are changes urgently needed and what risks are identifiable.

What happens if no changes are made. Make sure that the meaning of the following statements is understood. If the audience is not concerned, the necessary willingness to become active is lacking.




2. The index finger


The index finger points to the target. When expressing the goal, orientate yourself on the SMART model and do not confuse it with the benefit.

As a reminder of the characteristics of SMART goals, you can read the article “Rather SMART goals than unfulfilled wishes. SMART goals make life easier.




3. The middle finger


The middle finger describes the way, the implementation, and how the goal is achieved. Which measures are necessary to achieve the desired result.

Helpful questions for you:

  • Who can make what contribution to the achievement of the goal?
  • When should the goal be reached?
  • Where will what be necessary?
  • How should the goal be achieved?
  • What resources are required, and where do they come from?




4. The ring finger


The ring finger stands for the benefits. Describe the specific benefits that the goal you are aiming for and the solution you are presenting have for the audience. Describe how the situation will change positively in the short, medium, and long term.




5. The little finger


The little finger is dedicated to the call to action.

At the end of your speech, describe the first step, which is easy to perform, and the corresponding concrete call to action. It should be neither too small nor too large. If it is too big, the project will not be set in motion. The speech ends with an appeal.






The five-finger speech structure is a practical and effective method of giving speech a form. It is easy to learn and memorize.

Preparation of important speeches and presentations


Those who do not speak are not heard, and even those who speak up are not always successful. There are a few more steps that need to be mastered.

Do you want to convince with your message and also as a personality? Then I will help you to prepare your speeches and presentations. You determine the scope. At least, I recommend a test run with professional feedback for you and your message. Then you will know how you and your content are perceived, what you should do, and what you should leave out, where there is potential. Why do you want to get such helpful feedback so late after your real performance? Then it is too late for adjustments. Benefit from the advantage. My definition of luck: Preparation meets opportunity.

You can best estimate for yourself where the effort is worthwhile concerning the expected benefit. Here you will find the fees for my support (communication, psychology, language, structure, voice, body language, storytelling, rhetorical means, media such as PowerPoint and Co., etc.)

You are not in Berlin right now? Then choose meetings with me via telephone or video support. Whereby, there are quite good reasons for a trip to Berlin.

By the way, many people suffer from such intense stage fright in front of an audience, and therefore their performance lags behind their possibilities. Too bad, because with my help performance in a good condition is possible. Just in case...

A good start: Professional feedback with suggestions for improvement​


How persuasive are you and your messages in speeches and presentations? How good are you at the 111+ most important presentation skills? I have been analyzing speeches since 1998. After evaluating 14,375 speeches and presentations, and numerous mistakes of my own, most of which I only discovered after a delay, I can tell you exactly what works with which audience. Let me give you the feedback that will help you get ahead. You will receive essential feedback and recommendations, as well as the impulses you need to persuade your audience in concrete situations.

Are you interested? If so, here is how to get helpful feedback with recommendations for improving your speeches and presentations.

Just ask me personally


Please post any questions that may be of interest to other readers in the comments. Looking for professional help?

If you are interested in coaching, training or consulting, if you have organizational questions, or if you want to make an appointment, you can reach me best via this contact form (you can choose whether you want to enter your personal data) or via e-mail ( The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. That is why you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees and getting to know me. If you like what you see, I look forward to working with you.


I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



Did you know the five-fingered speech structure? How do you structure your speeches and presentations, how do you structure your talks?​

Beware of comments!


According to my purpose as a writer, I am responsible for writing and you as a reader are responsible for reading. If you now also write, and I have to read that, you will mess up everything here. Feel encouraged to do just that, I appreciate it!


Props in presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

Great Ideas Need Wings As Well As Landing Gear And...

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in group or individual training or coaching.

Published: March 6, 2015
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 20th, 2023
Translation: ./.
German version:

Those who want, misunderstand us

Those who want, misunderstand us

Selbst, wenn wir einer Botschaft die entsprechend verdiente Chance verschaffen ...
This will improve your assertiveness

Limits of communication


Even if we provide a message with the appropriately deserved chance, it is not always communicated fairly. Then the best techniques and immense preparation help you only to a limited extent. Some hair can be found in every soup (German figure of speech), or conjured into it. What to do?

Those who want, to misunderstand us


It is not always easy to see if things are worth what they seem. So it is also with statements of people. There are people who can express themselves in a wonderfully chosen way while talking nonsense. Some have practiced smiling at their interlocutors, respectively at the audience, while they want to deceive them. And then there are honest people who have put a lot of thought into their speech, but are not skilled at expressing themselves in a way that their audience will immediately understand.

All that glitters is not gold! And it can be true the other way around and in all directions. Also, the intent or value of a message is not always immediately apparent. This makes it all the more important, as a listener, to pay closer attention to the messages, the messengers, and the contexts.

Even that is often not as easy as it would be desirable. First, some messengers don’t make it easy for us to understand the value of what they are offering. Second, our own beliefs and filters frequently make it even harder. Engaging openly with ideas requires the willingness and ability to do so. If on top of that, the personality or topic being represented is unappealing to me, only selective information reaches me and gets minimal or even no chance. Depending on the degree of self-reflection, personal development, and motivation, I will be more or less committed to exploring the idea or not.

If you have a message yourself, you would do well to express it in a way that is as understandable as possible, and suitable for the topic and the target audience. If the message deserves it, then the corresponding effort is worthwhile. And there is a lot that can be done to ensure that the message has the best possible chance of being understood and accepted. Just translating the message into the language of the audience, motivating them, and reducing possible misunderstandings can be quite a worthwhile effort.

However, even with the most extensive preparation, a message has no chance if the audience is not interested in understanding it, or at least not willing to admit it. For many reasons, they may be much more interested in twisting your words in some way. In this case, the best techniques and immense preparation will help you only to a limited extent. Some hair can be found in every soup, or conjured into it. The game is not always played fairly.

How likely this is, can often be seen in advance, if the willingness is there to look more closely.

The exchange with such people is quite one-sided because it is not about the best solution. In such a film, the only thing that can be done is to concentrate on not giving the opponents any unnecessary trump cards. Even if their tactics are very obvious and superficial, not everyone in the audience has to recognize that immediately. That would then damage your own message. Either such exchanges can be omitted altogether, or they have a different goal. In that case, communication no longer takes place for the purpose of convincing the interlocutors and finding a solution, but with a view to the effect on the audience.

If you want to present yourself and your message convincingly, it’s best to approach this systematically and explore perspectives early on. You can find out how to do this in the articles with links below.

Be ready for important conversations and negotiations


Communication can be easy. But often it is not. Sometimes we say one thing and then realize later, based on the other person's reaction, that they were talking to someone else. With the best will in the world, I didn't say that. - Or did I?

More or less consciously, conversations are about convincing other people of something - be it a special offer, your personality, a perspective, or a necessity. If this doesn't happen quickly enough, and above all, if it isn't precise and vivid, the other person quickly loses interest, and we lose the hoped-for opportunity. - The conversation has failed.

You can let me help you prepare for your meetings and negotiations (to be on the safe side: no legal advice!). Find out how you and your message are perceived (arguments, body language, language, voice, and much more). I will train you in effective tools and communication strategies. Develop your psychological skills, learn to stay calm, act confidently, remain authentic, and ultimately convince.

Just ask me personally


Please post any questions that may be of interest to other readers in the comments. Looking for professional help?

If you are interested in coaching, training or consulting, if you have organizational questions, or if you want to make an appointment, you can reach me best via this contact form (you can choose whether you want to enter your personal data) or via e-mail ( The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. That is why you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees and getting to know me. If you like what you see, I look forward to working with you.


I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



What thoughts do you have about the topic? How willing are you to prepare and commit to your message?


Props in presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

Narcissists and feedback

Narcissists and feedback

People make mistakes and can learn from them. With narcissists this is unlikely. Even to harmless and cautious feedback, narcissists respond as if it were harsh inappropriate criticism.

read more
18 tips to increase your assertiveness

18 tips to increase your assertiveness

Assertiveness is based on persuasiveness. What needs to be convincing is inseparably linked to the person who wants to realize his or her intentions. In addition to the quality and attractiveness of the offer, a convincing presentation is also important. The way in which we are perceived has a great impact on our assertiveness and is a major factor in determining whether we gain trust and support or whether we encounter resistance. This not only applies in the professional context, but also in the private sphere.

read more
How you doin’? Talking about diseases

How you doin’? Talking about diseases

The question “How are you?” is a constant one. Very few people answer it as a serious question. If, however, it is answered too personally, it overwhelms those who only ask out of habit or politeness. So, what do we do when we learn that a person we are talking to has a serious illness?

read more
Are you a good listener? 15 tips for active listening.

Are you a good listener? 15 tips for active listening.

Being a good listener can help you to see the world through the eyes of others. It enriches your understanding and expands your capacity for empathy. Listening increases your contact with the outside world by helping you improve your communication skills.

read more
22 ways to ask better questions

22 ways to ask better questions

Ask better questions, and as a result, you get better answers. Questions are the best way to gain more perspectives and develop more innovative solutions. Here are some recommendations for better questions because they lead to insights, creativity, and excellent leadership.

read more
Great Ideas Need Wings As Well As Landing Gear And...

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: April 30, 2020
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: April 30, 2020
Translation: ./.
German version:

Being right at all costs. The price we pay for needing to be right.

Being right at all costs. The price we pay for needing to be right.

Thoughts on the consequences of exaggerated dialectics

Being right at all costs


Persuading without arguments, assertiveness, winning without consideration, knockout by nasty tricks, black magic, manipulating. It is a coveted feeling to be right.​


You have something to say? Let's make sure it gets the chance it deserves.

Always being right


It is a popular feeling to be right. However, it is less a question of who is right than of who has the upper hand. For many people, it seems to be a satisfying experience to be the know-it-all, but what are the costs we aren’t counting?

To prevail at any cost seems to be a very old human desire. Even very dusty esoteric texts provide recipes on how it is possible to prevail at any cost. The approach ranges from magic elixirs with bat wings and rat tails to voodoo dolls from the mail-order business.

Persuading without arguments, assertiveness without any basis, winning without consideration, knockouts by nasty tricks, black magic, manipulating. To the bitter end, talking without having a clue…. Book stores and videos on YouTube also serve the longing for unfair assertiveness.





What’s the concern?


Now I could keep it with Arthur Schopenhauer. He said that if everyone unreservedly gave his position every support, then that would be the best way. After all, one often doesn’t know oneself whether one is actually right or not, and would find out that way. Up to a certain point, I even agree with him here. However, the desire to be right at all costs is usually not about finding out the best position in the end. Rather, it is about winning at any cost. So it is questionable in regard to attitude. What effect does it have on the world and on relationships when people behave in this way?

People who are really convinced of their position don’t need unfair tricks. Although, it is good to recognize them as such and to be able to neutralize them. But who believes that the result justifies the method, harms himself and the message.




But …


Someone could refer to examples from politics, where it has helped a questionable person in a considerably high position to move forward ruthlessly and without real arguments. And yes, it can be very sad.

That there are characters who try to do that is one thing. That a substantial audience goes along with it is another. The consequences, for the world, can be seen by anyone who watches the news.




We can decide for ourselves


Everyone can decide for themselves whether this is a desirable course of action. In any case, I will work to ensure that as many people as possible recognize such unfair methods and to know how to deal with them. Those who are in a position to do so will allow themselves to be disadvantaged and fight against dazzlers.

Let us rely on fair means to give arguments the chance they deserve. Those who wish to do so will find the right tips and support from me.


Just ask me personally


Please post any questions that may be of interest to other readers in the comments. Looking for professional help?

If you are interested in coaching, training or consulting, if you have organizational questions, or if you want to make an appointment, you can reach me best via this contact form (you can choose whether you want to enter your personal data) or via e-mail ( The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. That is why you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees and getting to know me. If you like what you see, I look forward to working with you.


I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



What thoughts come to your mind on the subject? Being right at all costs, is that worth it?​


Props in presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

Narcissists and feedback

Narcissists and feedback

People make mistakes and can learn from them. With narcissists this is unlikely. Even to harmless and cautious feedback, narcissists respond as if it were harsh inappropriate criticism.

read more
18 tips to increase your assertiveness

18 tips to increase your assertiveness

Assertiveness is based on persuasiveness. What needs to be convincing is inseparably linked to the person who wants to realize his or her intentions. In addition to the quality and attractiveness of the offer, a convincing presentation is also important. The way in which we are perceived has a great impact on our assertiveness and is a major factor in determining whether we gain trust and support or whether we encounter resistance. This not only applies in the professional context, but also in the private sphere.

read more
How you doin’? Talking about diseases

How you doin’? Talking about diseases

The question “How are you?” is a constant one. Very few people answer it as a serious question. If, however, it is answered too personally, it overwhelms those who only ask out of habit or politeness. So, what do we do when we learn that a person we are talking to has a serious illness?

read more
Are you a good listener? 15 tips for active listening.

Are you a good listener? 15 tips for active listening.

Being a good listener can help you to see the world through the eyes of others. It enriches your understanding and expands your capacity for empathy. Listening increases your contact with the outside world by helping you improve your communication skills.

read more
22 ways to ask better questions

22 ways to ask better questions

Ask better questions, and as a result, you get better answers. Questions are the best way to gain more perspectives and develop more innovative solutions. Here are some recommendations for better questions because they lead to insights, creativity, and excellent leadership.

read more
Great Ideas Need Wings As Well As Landing Gear And...

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in group or individual training or coaching.

Published: March 6, 2015
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 20th, 2023
Translation: ./.
German version:

Narcissists and feedback

Narcissists and feedback

Dealing with difficult personalities
Difficult personalities

Narcissists and feedback


People make mistakes and can learn from them. With narcissists this is unlikely. Even to harmless and cautious feedback, narcissists respond as if it were harsh inappropriate criticism. They react offended and insulted because this could damage their self-image. At least inwardly they react angrily. However, anger can also easily lead to significant aggression.

Feedback and narcissists

When you express criticism to narcissists, they experience it like a massive physical attack. For narcissists, it feels like the destruction of their person. Depending on the relationship and context, the reaction is usually very exaggerated. This happens sooner or later. Sometimes the response can happen even much later when you no longer expect it. It can be overt or covert. However, one result is quite certain: narcissists do not forget even accidental attacks. They want revenge at any price.




Is it worth it?


Even from your point of view, harmless and constructive feedback will be resented by narcissists. They perceive something like this as an insult and take it personally. So, be careful and exercise extreme tact and sensitivity, just as a bomb disposal expert would.
Before you address issues, think about whether you want to do this despite the risks. Insight is usually not to be expected from narcissists. Depending on the situation, you should at best expect hypocritical insight, excuses, blame, or emotional reactions such as outbursts of rage.




Emotional reactions


Stay calm during outbursts of rage by narcissists. It is part of the preferred behavioral repertoire of narcissistic personalities. Such people know how to manipulate others. Learn to recognize their manipulation techniques.






If, despite the risks, you dare to criticize a narcissist, then wrap it up well. Feed narcissists with a lot of acceptable praise. The subsequent criticism should be given in small doses. Do you find this exhausting? So do I!

In any case, there is one thing you can forget about: changing narcissistic personalities. You won’t bring them to insights or establish a relationship at eye level. These are pointless attempts.

Help dealing with narcissists (no legal advice!)


It's urgent? Thanks to an immediate bank transfer, it is also possible to organize sessions at short notice, often even on the same day. In any case, you can orient yourself by reading the list with fees. Typically, a telephone call of 60 minutes is enough. Either you come to me in Berlin or we organize a telephone meeting or use the Internet with a video conferencing system. If you wish professional support for your decision-making, communication, or because you suffer emotionally from narcissists, then we can arrange an appointment.

As much as I would like to - with the large number of requests I receive, I keep the amount of volunteer help at a feasible level.

If you want professional support (in the areas I offer and this does not include any legal advice), then we can make an appointment. Either you come to me in Berlin or we make a telephone session or use the Internet with video support. This has proven to be very successful. Thanks to real-time bank transfer, it is also possible to book appointments at short notice. We can make an appointment first or even easier and faster; you book your session and as soon as the fee is received, we find the next available appointment.

If it is about the psychological effects, I offer therapeutic help for people suffering from narcissists and coaching for other issues. You can find the fees here. Please note the reduced fees for therapeutic assistance for people suffering from narcissistic abuse.

Not all sufferers have the financial means to do this, I know. You can then at least use the comment function to exchange information with other sufferers. Sometimes I also answer questions there, occasionally even beyond that. I am aware of the suffering that can result from contact with narcissists. However, the day has only 24h, and therefore I ask for understanding for my procedures. I am aware of the suffering that often results from contact with narcissists. That is why I offer a free telephone consultation every first Monday of the month from 9:00 to 12:00 for initial impulses. Please use exclusively the telephone number +49 (0)30 864 213 65 for this purpose. Calls outside these hours and on other telephone numbers exclusively in the context of the professional support mentioned.

So: Questions that may also interest other people, please ask in the comments. Some topics are of a more private nature and I offer professional support for them. Let's have a direct conversation about this. If you are interested in support, for organizational questions and appointments you can reach me personally best by e-mail (, conditionally also by phone +49 (0)30 864 213 65., mobile +49 (0)30 864 213 65.

Be ready for important conversations and negotiations


Communication can be easy. But often it is not. Sometimes we say one thing and then realize later, based on the other person's reaction, that they were talking to someone else. With the best will in the world, I didn't say that. - Or did I?

More or less consciously, conversations are about convincing other people of something - be it a special offer, your personality, a perspective, or a necessity. If this doesn't happen quickly enough, and above all, if it isn't precise and vivid, the other person quickly loses interest, and we lose the hoped-for opportunity. - The conversation has failed.

You can let me help you prepare for your meetings and negotiations (to be on the safe side: no legal advice!). Find out how you and your message are perceived (arguments, body language, language, voice, and much more). I will train you in effective tools and communication strategies. Develop your psychological skills, learn to stay calm, act confidently, remain authentic, and ultimately convince.

Just ask me personally


Please post any questions that may be of interest to other readers in the comments. Looking for professional help?

If you are interested in coaching, training or consulting, if you have organizational questions, or if you want to make an appointment, you can reach me best via this contact form (you can choose whether you want to enter your personal data) or via e-mail ( The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. That is why you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees and getting to know me. If you like what you see, I look forward to working with you.


I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



What experience have you had with narcissists?


17 signs that someone is a manipulator

Not every attempt to manipulate us is obvious. Especially the professional manipulators learn how to hide their intentions. Unfortunately, there are a lot of those manipulators in business and private life. Learn how to recognize manipulators.

36 indications to identify narcissists

36 indications to identify narcissists

Narcissists are driven primarily by power, fame, and recognition. That’s not bad, right? If there weren’t so many people with narcissistic tendencies, there wouldn’t be many achievements and world records. However, we would not have to suffer from many disadvantages. As fascinating as narcissists may seem at first glance, they are in reality selfish and emotionally cold. Only their self-pity is boundless. Only the others make mistakes.

In the article, you will learn how to identify narcissists.

read more

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: January 2, 2012
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 20th, 2023
Translation: ./.
German version:

18 tips to increase your assertiveness

18 tips to increase your assertiveness

This will improve your assertiveness
This will improve your assertiveness



Learn how to gain and apply assertiveness. In this article, you will get 18 recommendations for more assertiveness in private and professional life.

What is assertiveness?


Assertiveness is a type of behavior that is used to express one’s needs in a healthy, prosocial manner. Being assertive can be beneficial in a variety of social settings, although there can also be consequences of being excessively assertive.

Being assertive won’t come easy to everyone. Some people are naturally more assertive than others. If you aren’t, you can learn to be assertive fairly easily.




Assertiveness and persuasiveness


Assertiveness depends on persuasiveness. What needs to be convincing is inseparably linked to the person who wants to realize his or her intentions. Besides the quality and attractiveness of the offer, its compelling presentation is also important. How we are perceived has a great impact on our assertiveness and is a major factor in determining whether we can gain trust and support or whether we will be met with resistance. This applies not only in the professional context, but also in the private sphere.




Strengthen your assertiveness with these 18 tips


There are many ways to strengthen your assertiveness: charisma, technical and social skills, rhetorical and communicative abilities as well as negotiating skills all have a positive effect. Experiences also play a major role, although they take some time to mature as a personality. Other factors can be learned, especially non-verbal communication. And here are 18 tips:




1. Know yourself


If you know yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, values and priorities, goals, or even vision, your role, it is much easier.
It is a lifelong task to deal with fundamental questions and to practice self-reflection. It is worth it!

Healthy self-assurance is based on self-confidence and self-awareness, i.e. the knowledge of personal characteristics, strengths and potentials, experiences, and expectations of self-efficacy. This is reflected in consistent perception, thinking, and acting.




2. Clear goals


Clarify your goals and priorities for yourself, and then deliver clear messages. If you do not fully understand your goals, it will be difficult to communicate them. But this is exactly what is required.

It is important to have manageable goals over a foreseeable period that are pursued consistently. Afterward, check how the goal has been achieved and what can be learned.

Achieving small goals boosts self-confidence and encourages you to face new challenges, thus improving your assertiveness over time.




3. Remain loyal to your values


Assertive people need not be ruthless egoists.

Even if you have the power to assert something in the event of resistance or to disregard recognized values, you would rather remain true to yourself. Otherwise, it will be a superficial victory. The end does not justify the means!




4. Dealing with those who think differently


If you want to push something through, you have to expect rejection as soon as it causes changes for others. This is not only the case when it comes to actual change, but also the presumed effects and intentions. Put yourself in the perspective of other people.

Transparency and credibility can prevent or at least reduce resistance. Remember that the meaning of a message is ultimately determined by the recipient. Therefore, an appropriate form of communication should be chosen to minimize the probability of misunderstandings.

Don’t get drawn into slinging matches, even if the other person gets angry. Stay calm. Listen to what the other person is saying. You can empathize with someone else’s feelings without necessarily agreeing with him or her and giving in to the other point of view. If a point of view is tenable, there are convincing, reasonable arguments for it. Then it is also possible to point out the advantages.

Aggressiveness, on the other hand, is an indication that your issues have not been clarified.

Concentrate on finding a solution to a problem rather than trying to win the argument.




5. Pressure compared to openness


Pressure produces counter-pressure, this principle is known from physics. However, this principle can also be applied to communication. The one who asserts himself at any cost makes his counterpart an opponent and evokes rejection, even if the result would be beneficial to others. If, on the other hand, you demonstrate that you only use your power when it is really necessary, you allow your counterpart to participate in the process and thus reduce resistance.




6. Mental balance


We constantly reveal information about ourselves. Body language signals, in particular, convey whether one believes in what he says. This is particularly relevant in negotiation situations, in which interlocutors usually observe each other closely and critically question the motives of the others. In such moments, thoughtless body language makes you vulnerable. But it expresses what is going on inside us.

Assertiveness requires a convincing appearance. Those who have lost their mental balance find themselves in a state of imbalance. In that case, you have less access to the resources otherwise available.

Therefore, it is important to train restoring the inner balance as quickly as possible when it has been lost. In emotionally emotional moments, for example in situations that are perceived as an attack, we typically react quickly without thinking about the consequences.

The better I know myself and my priorities, the easier it is for me to say “No!” confidently. Those who know themselves and their weaknesses are more autonomous, pay more attention to themselves and their concerns, and communicate more confidently.

7. Inappropriate reactions


An important first step is learning what assertiveness is and what it looks like, as well as the difference between assertiveness and aggression. The likelihood that the first reaction is also the best possible decreases with the degree of negative emotional content. Especially in the case of anger, it is advisable to regain balance and act after the anger is gone. An appropriate, possibly even benevolent reaction conveys sovereignty, increases one’s status, and thus also one’s assertiveness. On the other hand, those who act harshly are accused of weakness and insecurity. Even constant yielding is not sensible: it results in discrimination, weakens one’s reputation and the assertiveness is lost. However, those who always assert themselves are accused that it is not about the object, but only about personal success.

In addition to those two extremes, some alternatives aim to take responsibility and show commitment to oneself and one’s cause. The focus should be on convincingly representing one’s interests and personal values, while at the same time inviting the other person to take part in a joint project. To do this, it is necessary to appreciate the opinions of others as well as to deal with resistance. This reflects the whole appearance and especially body language.




8. The role of body language


Non-verbal communication plays a major role in many aspects, although too little attention is often paid to it. While arguments are usually well-prepared, body language is usually left to coincidence. However, body language often says something different from what verbal expressions are supposed to convey. Especially when you try to pretend or suppress something.

Particularly in negotiation situations, many people want to present themselves advantageously and do not want to let their excitement be noticed. The result then usually does not meet expectations because the inner pressure is very strong and paralyzes both physical and mental agility. Instead of trying to be an actor, it is advisable to perform authentically and professionally. After all, it’s all about presenting yourself and what you offer convincingly. To do this, the verbal and non-verbal elements of the communication have to match: Assertive body language is calm and strong, whereas aggressive body language is tense and intimidating, and passive body language is weak. Keeping good eye contact and limiting loud gestures are great ways to maintain that middle ground.




9. How congruent is your voice?


The impact of the voice is immense, for better or worse. Many details are transported by the voice, whether we want it or not. The listeners derive from it how we are and how we relate to our statements.

To use the voice effectively, it is worth working on the inner attitude, vocal technique, and vocal care.




10. Clear messages instead of softeners


Choose your words carefully. Focus on clear and concise messages. Simple sentences, understandable language … consider the basics of communication.

This also includes avoiding the use of softeners that take the power out of your statements. And be careful with generalities. As powerful as language can be, as easily we shoot ourselves in the foot.




11. Putting words into action


Assertiveness is also based on strong motivation. Personal values provide a basic foundation, which are meaningful guidelines for our actions. Those who formulate and live their values find stability and orientation, also for the assessment of their behavior.

With a well-thought-out plan, especially complex projects become verifiable even before the start: In a sense, a concept provides the blueprint for implementation and provides an overview of the tasks at hand. To move these forward more quickly, priorities are set, i.e. important and less important steps are defined. Arranging the sequence of tasks according to importance and urgency helps to simplify the process and to deploy resources sensibly.

But ultimately only actions can turn a project into reality because the best planning is of little use without consistent implementation. The environment registers how committed we are to our work, and credibility increases when what has been said is put into practice.




12. Dealing with obstacles


Obstacles often do not appear unexpectedly; many are foreseeable or announce themselves. By taking problems into account, appropriate solutions can be prepared in advance. If you have a plan B, you can deal with difficulties in a more relaxed manner.

Others also observe how we deal with obstacles. A lot can be said, but these moments show just how ready we are to act. A lot can be said, but these moments show just how ready we are to act. One positive effect is that every situation we master strengthens us. Trust in our actions and judgments increases. Credibility and the effect on others also benefit from this.




13. Flexibility, movement, and stability


Flexibility means a fundamentally positive attitude towards change. But not all innovations are always appreciated. Some are perceived as unproblematic, while others give us the feeling that we are losing the basis of our familiar life. Changes are, whether we like it or not, a part of life. Therefore, it is worthwhile to adapt to them. Being flexible also means to discover various possibilities in new situations.

The right balance between appreciating and stabilizing what has been achieved, openness to change, and the willingness to evolve ensure flexibility. Those who rest on their success for too long lose their grip and are no longer perceived accordingly.




14. A convincing presentation


The more attractive a goal is, the easier it is to convince other people of it. However, all these advantages are of no use if it is not possible to convince the relevant target group. Without the willingness to stand up for a statement as a personality, many potentials remain unexploited.

It is necessary to clearly define one’s objective. If you do not do this yourself, you will experience that other people will do it for you. The description resulting from this often does not correspond with your interests.

Knowledge and skills are therefore needed to successfully convey an offer. This is a competence that can be learned.




15. Keep pushing


Show stamina. It serves the current project and also future ones if it is recognized that you stick to your plans.

Once you have earned the reputation of sticking to it, doubters become less frequent.




16. Be prepared


Explore the perspectives, put yourself in the shoes of other positions. Collect information such as numbers, dates, facts, and about the characteristics of the persons involved. What are their motives, fears, and personal patterns?

The better prepared you are, the more effectively you will communicate. If you care about a concern, prepare yourself well – with professional support if necessary.




17. Relationships


Each of us is dependent on other people. Reaching out to social networks and experts helps us find the support we need for our projects. Interpersonal relationships deserve special attention for this reason too.

While being assertive generally leads to better outcomes in many aspects of life, being overly assertive can also hurt relationships. The solution lies in a competent, respectful interaction with people. Assertiveness is not the ability to produce ideas against, but together with, other people.




18. Willingness to learn


Evaluate your experiences, and especially the setbacks. Think about the consequences and what you want to do differently in the future. This way, you will constantly become better in whatever you do.

What next?


Assertiveness is a characteristic that can be trained in small steps. Stand up for your concerns, while remaining committed to your values. It is easier to behave respectfully with each other than against each other.

Be ready for important conversations and negotiations


Communication can be easy. But often it is not. Sometimes we say one thing and then realize later, based on the other person's reaction, that they were talking to someone else. With the best will in the world, I didn't say that. - Or did I?

More or less consciously, conversations are about convincing other people of something - be it a special offer, your personality, a perspective, or a necessity. If this doesn't happen quickly enough, and above all, if it isn't precise and vivid, the other person quickly loses interest, and we lose the hoped-for opportunity. - The conversation has failed.

You can let me help you prepare for your meetings and negotiations (to be on the safe side: no legal advice!). Find out how you and your message are perceived (arguments, body language, language, voice, and much more). I will train you in effective tools and communication strategies. Develop your psychological skills, learn to stay calm, act confidently, remain authentic, and ultimately convince.

Just ask me personally


Please post any questions that may be of interest to other readers in the comments. Looking for professional help?

If you are interested in coaching, training or consulting, if you have organizational questions, or if you want to make an appointment, you can reach me best via this contact form (you can choose whether you want to enter your personal data) or via e-mail ( The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. That is why you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees and getting to know me. If you like what you see, I look forward to working with you.


I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.

Frequently asked questions

What is a assertiveness?

Being assertive means that you respect yourself because you’re willing to stand up for your interests and express your thoughts and feelings. It also demonstrates that you are aware of other peoples rights and willing to work on resolving conflicts.

How do people become assertive?

To become more assertive over time, you have to identify your values and priorities. You have to live accordingly to them positively. You use assertive communication techniques to communicate your thoughts and feelings firmly and directly.



What is your opinion regarding assertiveness?


Props in presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

Narcissists and feedback

Narcissists and feedback

People make mistakes and can learn from them. With narcissists this is unlikely. Even to harmless and cautious feedback, narcissists respond as if it were harsh inappropriate criticism.

read more
18 tips to increase your assertiveness

18 tips to increase your assertiveness

Assertiveness is based on persuasiveness. What needs to be convincing is inseparably linked to the person who wants to realize his or her intentions. In addition to the quality and attractiveness of the offer, a convincing presentation is also important. The way in which we are perceived has a great impact on our assertiveness and is a major factor in determining whether we gain trust and support or whether we encounter resistance. This not only applies in the professional context, but also in the private sphere.

read more
How you doin’? Talking about diseases

How you doin’? Talking about diseases

The question “How are you?” is a constant one. Very few people answer it as a serious question. If, however, it is answered too personally, it overwhelms those who only ask out of habit or politeness. So, what do we do when we learn that a person we are talking to has a serious illness?

read more
Are you a good listener? 15 tips for active listening.

Are you a good listener? 15 tips for active listening.

Being a good listener can help you to see the world through the eyes of others. It enriches your understanding and expands your capacity for empathy. Listening increases your contact with the outside world by helping you improve your communication skills.

read more
22 ways to ask better questions

22 ways to ask better questions

Ask better questions, and as a result, you get better answers. Questions are the best way to gain more perspectives and develop more innovative solutions. Here are some recommendations for better questions because they lead to insights, creativity, and excellent leadership.

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Great Ideas Need Wings As Well As Landing Gear And...

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: April 30, 2020
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: April 30, 2020
Translation: ./.
German version:

Speaking with your hands in your pockets during conversations, speeches and presentations?

Speaking with your hands in your pockets during conversations, speeches and presentations?

Just put your hands in your pants?
Nicht nur Wünsche lassen sich von den Augen ablesen

Just put your hands in your pockets during a presentation?


Where to put your hands in conversations and during presentations? Just put your hands in your trouser pockets and the problem is solved. Many inexperienced speakers think this is quite a good idea at the beginning. I (and most of the audience) don’t think it’s so good. Why? This question will be answered.

Having the hands in your pocket during a presentation


Since I can remember, almost in every introductory workshop of presentation skills someone asks a question about the hands and where they belong in conversations, speeches, and presentations.

A very popular question is whether the hands belong in the trouser pockets or not. Many workshop participants consider this to be quite a good idea. I think about it differently.




Why this isn’t a good idea?


Here are five reasons not to put your hands in the pockets of your trousers while speaking.




1. It leads to irritation


The unexplainable frequent digging around in the depths of the trouser pockets inspires the viewer’s imagination and thus distracts from the originally intended message.

The audience cannot know what you are doing there. They have no idea that you are just asking your lucky charm for help because of your stage fright.




2. It increases mistrust


Open palms promote trust, hidden hands mistrust.




3. It reduces gestures


Having your hands in your pockets prevents convincing body language. How can appropriate gestures support the message when the hands are gone? Good gestures require both hands.




4. It sends the wrong signal


Keeping your hands in your pockets is also a gesture that indicates that you are afraid, unsure, or not interested in the presentation. Is that what you want to convey to the audience?




5. It demonstrates a lack of respect


It is perhaps intended to look casual. Some of your audience members might find it rude towards them. It may upset them.




Where else can I put my hands?


Where else can I put my hands? Coherent gestures underline credibility, illustrate and strengthen arguments. This is precisely why the hands belong in the audience’s field of vision. I recommend individual starting positions for the hands. These can then be internalized in everyday situations, and this promotes natural gestures. What is suitable for one person is far from being suitable for another.




Be careful


General recipes often do more harm than good. An example of such a mishap is the Merkel rhombus. It has become a trademark. Some call it a running gag, but that does not make it a recommendation — on the contrary.






Do you want more suggestions for where to put your hands and how to develop strong gestures? You’ll get them from me in many of my articles. Have fun with it!

Be ready for important conversations and negotiations


Communication can be easy. But often it is not. Sometimes we say one thing and then realize later, based on the other person's reaction, that they were talking to someone else. With the best will in the world, I didn't say that. - Or did I?

More or less consciously, conversations are about convincing other people of something - be it a special offer, your personality, a perspective, or a necessity. If this doesn't happen quickly enough, and above all, if it isn't precise and vivid, the other person quickly loses interest, and we lose the hoped-for opportunity. - The conversation has failed.

You can let me help you prepare for your meetings and negotiations (to be on the safe side: no legal advice!). Find out how you and your message are perceived (arguments, body language, language, voice, and much more). I will train you in effective tools and communication strategies. Develop your psychological skills, learn to stay calm, act confidently, remain authentic, and ultimately convince.



What do you do with your hands during a conversation, speech or presentation?


Props in presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

20 tips for humor in speeches and presentations

20 tips for humor in speeches and presentations

Do you want the attention of your audience? Humorously move your audience before the seat hurts. Humor relaxes. It resolves tense, stressful situations. Humor has some positive effects. Appropriate humor can be used effectively in many situations. Find out what is worth paying attention to.

read more

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: March 30, 2020
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: April 15, 2021
Translation: ./.
German version:

How you doin’? Talking about diseases

How you doin'? Talking about diseases

Put your phrases away. We need good conversation.
Put your phrases away. We need good conversation.

How you doin’? Talking about diseases.


The question “How are you?” is a constant one. Very few people answer it as a serious question. If, however, it is answered too personally, it overwhelms those who only ask out of habit or politeness. So, what do we do when we learn that a person we are talking to has a serious disease?

How you doin’?


The question “How’s you doin’?” polarizes. Some people dislike it because they think it is not meant seriously. Others consider it a harmless phrase, which should be met with a friendly phrase. Very few people take it as a serious question. If the answer is too personal, it will overwhelm those who only ask out of habit or politeness, especially if there is no close relationship with the interviewer.




Talking about diseases


Some people interpret the question “How’s it going?” as an invitation to report on the current state of health in astonishing depth.

Whoever asks should not be surprised if there is an honest answer, right?

What should we do if our colleague gives us such detailed descriptions of his headaches that we want to take painkillers ourselves? What if we meet the next-door-neighbor in the supermarket and hear about her cancer diagnosis instead of “Everything’s great!”.




Shared suffering, half suffering?


It is questionable whether the saying ” Shared suffering, half suffering”, which is often heard in Germany, can withstand a statistically tenable investigation. Thus, the context and the relationship of those involved are very important.

Anyone who constantly complains about every little bit of trouble does neither himself nor his environment any favors. This damages one’s reputation and does not exactly make other people seek closeness. Such people are soon no longer taken seriously when the depression turns out to be a mild melancholy and the occasional headache is always decorated as a migraine of the century.

Talking too often about illness is not so good for the soul and overall condition. The constant focus on problems restricts perception, thinking, and action, and additionally lowers the quality of life. This makes you even more unhappy! Too much focus on illnesses is terrible, but not to talk about it at all is not a solution.

A trustful talk about suffering is something that can be very liberating. That is then also a proof of trust, an indication of the importance of the relationship between people. But this is best done in a private setting.




So you’d rather not ask?


When a person asks another person in everyday life “How are you?”, it is usually just a polite phrase. That’s why I don’t like this question very much.

It seems particularly frequent and superficial to me in the USA, where “How are you?” or “How you doin’?” can be heard as often as “Hello!”. I understand the function. To meet each other in such a positive way makes living together easier. A friendly atmosphere is created. Nevertheless, it always seems a little strange to me. I think it’s better if we mean what we say. Admittedly, a “How’s it going?” often comes out automatically. Many people are not aware of the meaning of these words. That’s why I work with my clients on their presence. This requires to means what is said.

If you ask, you should expect to get an honest answer. If you can’t handle it, you shouldn’t even ask. However, if you ask, you may also accept the reaction.




What to do if the answer is unpleasant?


How do we respond appropriately to unpleasant revelations? What reactions and words are appropriate – and when should we be silent? Hardly anyone is prepared for this. That is why such a situation usually catches us by surprise.

It helps to have a good sense of whether further inquiries are desired. It is good to show true compassion, but no one has anything to gain from it if the sick person has to comfort his or her interlocutors. “Cheer up”, “You can do it” or the demand of a promise to become completely healthy again is rarely helpful and can be perceived as an imposition, especially in the case of life-threatening illnesses. Such behavior is just as unhelpful as well-meant advice or exaggerated attempts at encouragement. Often the best reaction: listen, listen honestly! Otherwise, it helps to ask what expectations there are.

While well-trained therapists have learned to take care of themselves and their minds, this is not a matter of course. Take good care of yourself. You may also speak respectfully if something gets too close to you. There are situations for which there are no ready-made solutions.

Be ready for important conversations and negotiations


Communication can be easy. But often it is not. Sometimes we say one thing and then realize later, based on the other person's reaction, that they were talking to someone else. With the best will in the world, I didn't say that. - Or did I?

More or less consciously, conversations are about convincing other people of something - be it a special offer, your personality, a perspective, or a necessity. If this doesn't happen quickly enough, and above all, if it isn't precise and vivid, the other person quickly loses interest, and we lose the hoped-for opportunity. - The conversation has failed.

You can let me help you prepare for your meetings and negotiations (to be on the safe side: no legal advice!). Find out how you and your message are perceived (arguments, body language, language, voice, and much more). I will train you in effective tools and communication strategies. Develop your psychological skills, learn to stay calm, act confidently, remain authentic, and ultimately convince.

Just ask me personally


Please post any questions that may be of interest to other readers in the comments. Looking for professional help?

If you are interested in coaching, training or consulting, if you have organizational questions, or if you want to make an appointment, you can reach me best via this contact form (you can choose whether you want to enter your personal data) or via e-mail ( The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. That is why you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees and getting to know me. If you like what you see, I look forward to working with you.


I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



How do you feel about the question ” How you doin’?” and conversations about diseases?


Props in presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

Narcissists and feedback

Narcissists and feedback

People make mistakes and can learn from them. With narcissists this is unlikely. Even to harmless and cautious feedback, narcissists respond as if it were harsh inappropriate criticism.

read more
18 tips to increase your assertiveness

18 tips to increase your assertiveness

Assertiveness is based on persuasiveness. What needs to be convincing is inseparably linked to the person who wants to realize his or her intentions. In addition to the quality and attractiveness of the offer, a convincing presentation is also important. The way in which we are perceived has a great impact on our assertiveness and is a major factor in determining whether we gain trust and support or whether we encounter resistance. This not only applies in the professional context, but also in the private sphere.

read more
How you doin’? Talking about diseases

How you doin’? Talking about diseases

The question “How are you?” is a constant one. Very few people answer it as a serious question. If, however, it is answered too personally, it overwhelms those who only ask out of habit or politeness. So, what do we do when we learn that a person we are talking to has a serious illness?

read more
Are you a good listener? 15 tips for active listening.

Are you a good listener? 15 tips for active listening.

Being a good listener can help you to see the world through the eyes of others. It enriches your understanding and expands your capacity for empathy. Listening increases your contact with the outside world by helping you improve your communication skills.

read more
22 ways to ask better questions

22 ways to ask better questions

Ask better questions, and as a result, you get better answers. Questions are the best way to gain more perspectives and develop more innovative solutions. Here are some recommendations for better questions because they lead to insights, creativity, and excellent leadership.

read more
Presenters who care deeply about their message tend to use their entire bodies to support the message. - Karsten Noack

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: September 1, 2019
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 20th, 2023
Translation: ./.
German version:

The first rule of rhetoric: Let us start with the basics of speaking.

The first rule of rhetoric: Let us start with the basics of speaking.

The fundamental role that is mostly neglected
First rule of rhetoric: Let us start with the basics of speaking.

The first rule of rhetoric


Does everyone have to say something about everything? In my opinion, the most important rule of rhetoric and good communication style is that those who have nothing to say should shut up.

You have something to say? Let's make sure it gets the chance it deserves.

The first and most important rule of rhetoric



1. rhetorical rule:


Those who have nothing to say should shut up.


It is worthwhile to consider the most important rule of rhetoric. And it isn’t a new one.




The basics of communication


The first rule of good style – almost sufficient in itself – is that you have something to say.

Arthur Schopenhauer




Once upon a time…


I had an otherwise very esteemed colleague who used to express himself regularly every 15 minutes. And he did this largely independently of the topic and the relevance of the personal contribution to it. He had read in a career guide that behavior would be good to progress with his career.

With cause and effect, it is sometimes such a thing. He has succeeded well with his career, and therefore he will probably consider this recommendation right. I think, however, that he was able to make a career with his other knowledge and skills. His verbal contributions in meetings, however, were no pleasure for everyone else involved. It was a direct violation of the 1st rule of rhetoric: Who has nothing to say, better shut up! Or in the words of Abraham Lincoln: “It is better to remain silent and be suspected of being an idiot than to speak and thereby remove all doubts.




Am I exaggerating my position?


With some distance to this article, I tend to relativize my thoughts. I still stand by the basic statement, but the words can also be misunderstood. After all, I am a great friend of the idea that speakers express their thoughts while forming an opinion and sharing it with others. This can be very enriching for everyone involved. It is not about one’s ego, but about contributing something.

So every speaker is invited to think about his or her intention beforehand.

Preparation of important speeches and presentations


Those who do not speak are not heard, and even those who speak up are not always successful. There are a few more steps that need to be mastered.

Do you want to convince with your message and also as a personality? Then I will help you to prepare your speeches and presentations. You determine the scope. At least, I recommend a test run with professional feedback for you and your message. Then you will know how you and your content are perceived, what you should do, and what you should leave out, where there is potential. Why do you want to get such helpful feedback so late after your real performance? Then it is too late for adjustments. Benefit from the advantage. My definition of luck: Preparation meets opportunity.

You can best estimate for yourself where the effort is worthwhile concerning the expected benefit. Here you will find the fees for my support (communication, psychology, language, structure, voice, body language, storytelling, rhetorical means, media such as PowerPoint and Co., etc.)

You are not in Berlin right now? Then choose meetings with me via telephone or video support. Whereby, there are quite good reasons for a trip to Berlin.

By the way, many people suffer from such intense stage fright in front of an audience, and therefore their performance lags behind their possibilities. Too bad, because with my help performance in a good condition is possible. Just in case...

A good start: Professional feedback with suggestions for improvement​


How persuasive are you and your messages in speeches and presentations? How good are you at the 111+ most important presentation skills? I have been analyzing speeches since 1998. After evaluating 14,375 speeches and presentations, and numerous mistakes of my own, most of which I only discovered after a delay, I can tell you exactly what works with which audience. Let me give you the feedback that will help you get ahead. You will receive essential feedback and recommendations, as well as the impulses you need to persuade your audience in concrete situations.

Are you interested? If so, here is how to get helpful feedback with recommendations for improving your speeches and presentations.

Just ask me personally


Please post any questions that may be of interest to other readers in the comments. Looking for professional help?

If you are interested in coaching, training or consulting, if you have organizational questions, or if you want to make an appointment, you can reach me best via this contact form (you can choose whether you want to enter your personal data) or via e-mail ( The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. That is why you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees and getting to know me. If you like what you see, I look forward to working with you.


I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



What do you think about this fundamental rule?


Props in presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

First rule of rhetoric: Those who have nothing to say should shut up. - Karsten Noack

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: May 2, 2015
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 20th, 2023
Translation: ./.
German version:

Tongue twisters from A to Z as training for voice, articulation and concentration

Tongue twisters from A to Z as training for voice, articulation and concentration

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
Tongue twisters

Tongue twisters for your pronunciation


I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! And tongue breakers are used to train dedicated speakers. Through regular training with tongue twisters, you will increase your attention, concentration, and memory, as well as your own pronunciation.


Tongue twisters


When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write. Tongue twisters are word sequences whose correct pronunciation is difficult and challenging even for native speakers. They are usually a series of similar words that differ in syllables and are designed to make it difficult for the speaker to pronounce them correctly.

This is done by combining syllables that are seldom pronounced one after the other, making them unfamiliar to the speaker. The words often end in a vowel or a diphthong, whereupon the next word also begins with a vowel or a diphthong, which causes difficulties in pronunciation. Tongue twisters are also often alliterations and rhymes of shaking. Speaking the tongue breaker is often difficult just because of the repetition.

Three thick dragons serve three thin ladies. And tongue twisters serve to train dedicated speakers. This trains speaking ability, articulation, and concentration.

Examples of tongue twisters


Tongue twisters starting with A


A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

A black bloke’s back brake-block broke.

A fly and flea flew into a flue,
said the fly to the flea ‘what shall we do?’
‘let us fly’ said the flea
said the fly ‘shall we flee’
so they flew through a flaw in the flue.

A gazillion gigantic grapes gushed
gradually giving gophers gooey guts.

A lump of red leather, a red leather lump

A pessimistic pest exists amidst us.

A slimey snake slithered down the sandy Sahara.

An agile, angry ape addled up the avenue.

Ann and Andy’s anniversary is in April.

As one black bug, bled blue, black blood. The other black bug bled blue.



Tongue twisters starting with B


Bake big batches of bitter brown bread.

Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood.

Black background, brown background, black background, brown background, black background, brown background.

Birdie birdie in the sky laid a turdie in my eye.
If cows could fly I’d have a cow pie in my eye.

Buckets of bug blood, buckets of bug blood, buckets of bug blood.

Busy buzzing bumble bees.



Tongue twisters with C


Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese.

Clean clams crammed in clean cans.

Crush grapes, grapes crush, crush grapes.

Crying came the crone creeping from the cold cafe.



Tongue twisters starting with D


Denise sees the fleece,
Denise sees the fleas.
At least Denise could sneeze
and feed and freeze the fleas.

Dimensional analysis

Double bubble gum, bubbles double.

Dust is a disk’s worst enemy.



Tongue twisters starting with E


Earnest Edgar eyed everything everywhere.

Eddie edited it.

Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.

Excited executioner exercising his excising powers excessively.



Tongue twisters starting with F


Four furious friends fought for the phone.

Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes.

Fresh French fried fly fritters.

Fresh fried fish,
Fish fresh fried,
Fried fish fresh,
Fish fried fresh.



Tongue twisters starting with G


Gilbert grabbed a golden globe, giving it to Gilda.

Gobbling gargoyles gobbled gobbling goblins.

Good blood, bad blood.

Gig whip, gig whip, gig whip.

Green glass globes glow greenly.



Tongue twisters starting with H


He threw three balls.

He threw three free throws.

How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

How many cans can a cannibal nibble
if a cannibal can nibble cans?
As many cans as a cannibal can nibble
if a cannibal can nibble cans.

How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

How much caramel can a canny cannonball cram in a camel if a canny cannonball can cram caramel in a camel?

How many snacks could a snack stacker stack, if a snack stacker snacked stacked snacks?

How much dew does a dewdrop drop
If dewdrops do drop dew?
They do drop, they do
As do dewdrops drop
If dewdrops do drop dew.

How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground.

How much pot, could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot.



Tongue twisters starting with I


I’m a sock cutter and I cut socks.
I’m a sock cutter and I cut socks.
I’m a sock cutter and I cut socks.

I eat eel while you peel eel.

I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!

I shot three shy thrushes.

I shot the city sheriff.
I shot the city sheriff.
I shot the city sheriff.

I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.

I’m not the fig plucker,
nor the fig plucker’s son,
but I’ll pluck figs
till the fig plucker comes.

I see a sea down by the seashore.
But which sea do you see down by the seashore?

If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.

I wish you were a fish in my dish.

If practice makes perfect and perfect needs practice, I’m perfectly practiced and practically perfect.

If colored caterpillars could change their colors constantly could they keep their colored coat colored properly?

If you notice this notice,
you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.

If you understand, say “understand”.
If you don’t understand, say “don’t understand”.
But if you understand and say “don’t understand”.
how do I understand that you understand. Understand!?

If you’re keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts,
buy a cunning stunning stunt kite.

I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop.

I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit

I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, upon a slitted sheet I sit.

It’s a nice night for a white rice fight.

It’s not the cough that carries you off,
it’s the coffin they carry you off in!



Tongue twisters starting with J


Justin jumping joyous joined in Johnna’s jubilee.



Tongue twisters starting with K


Knife and a fork bottle and a cork
that is the way you spell New York.
Chicken in the car and the car can go,
that is the way you spell Chicago.




Tongue twisters starting with L


Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.

Local yokel jokes.

Lou Lou licked on lollipops while Larry lit a light.

Luke Luck likes lakes.
Luke’s duck likes lakes.
Luke Luck licks lakes.
Luck’s duck licks lakes.
Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes.
Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.

Love’s a feeling you feel when you feel
you’re going to feel the feeling you’ve never felt before.



Tongue twisters starting with M


Myrtle made moist, Mango muffins mostly meant for Mina.



Tongue twisters starting with N


Naughty nighthawks noisily, narrowly neared Nina.

Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.

No need to light a night-light on a light night like tonight.




Tongue twisters starting with O


Octopus ocular optics.

One smart fellow, he felt smart.
Two smart fellows, they felt smart.
Three smart fellows, they felt smart.
Four smart fellows, they felt smart.
Five smart fellows, they felt smart.
Six smart fellows, they felt smart.



Tongue twisters starting with P


Peter poorly penniless prepares a peekish pout.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut-Butter, ’tis the peanut-butter picky people pick.

Pirates Private Property

Purple paper people, purple paper people, purple paper people.



Tongue twisters starting with Q


Quails quoted a quandry quickly quarrel qualities.



Tongue twisters starting with R


Real weird rear wheels, real weird rear wheels, real weird rear wheels.

Red blood, green blood, red blood, green blood, red blood, green blood.

Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.

Roofs of mushrooms rarely mush too much.

Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery.

Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.

Rudder valve reversals



Tongue twisters starting with S


Scissors sizzle, thistles sizzle.

Seven slick slimey snakes slowly sliding southward.

She saw Sherif’s shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure she saw Sherif’s shoes on the sofa?

She stood on the balcony, inexplicably mimicking him hiccuping, and amicably welcoming him in.

Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.

Seven sleazy shysters in sharkskin suits sold sheared sealskins to seasick sailors.

She sees cheese.

Sheena leads, Sheila needs.

Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.

Silly sheep weep and sleep.

Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand.

Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards.

Six slimy snails sailed silently.

She stood on the balcony, inexplicably mimicking him hiccuping, and amicably welcoming him in.

Stupid superstition!

Suzie Seaword’s fish-sauce shop sells unsifted thistles for thistle-sifters to sift.

Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines she sits, and where she sits she shines



Tongue twisters starting with T


The big black bug bit the big black bear,
but the big black bear bit the big black bug back!

The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.

The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn.

The queen in green screamed.

The ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon and red roses when winter arrives.

The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

Thrash the thickset thug!

There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.

There was a fisherman named Fisher
who fished for some fish in a fissure.
Till a fish with a grin,
pulled the fisherman in.
Now they’re fishing the fissure for Fisher.

There was a minimum of cinnamon in the aluminum pan.

Thin grippy thick slippery.

Thirty-three thirsty, thundering thoroughbreds thumped Mr. Thurber on Thursday.

Thirty-three sly shy thrushes.

Three short sword sheaths.

Three thick things.

Tie a knot, tie a knot.
Tie a tight, tight knot.
Tie a knot in the shape of a nought.

Tie twine to three tree twigs.

Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks.



Tongue twisters starting with U


Uma utters undiscovered, “Uphold unity.”



Tongue twisters starting with V


Valuable valley villas.

Vera vocalizes, venting, verbal vanity.



Tongue twisters starting with W


Wayne went to Wales to watch walruses.

What veteran ventriloquist whistles?

When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write.

Whoever slit the sheets is a good sheet slitter.

Which rich wicked witch wished the wicked wish?

Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch?

Which witch is which?

Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?

Will you, William? Will you, William? Will you, William?
Can’t you, don’t you, won’t you, William?

Willie’s really weary.

Wow, race winners really want red wine right away!



Tongue twisters starting with X


Xander examines xylophones while xeroxing x-rays.

X-ray checks clear chests.



Tongue twisters starting with Y


Yellow leather, yellow feather.

Yolanda’s yellow yogurt yields a yummy yearning yen.



Tongue twisters starting with Z


Zachary’s zenith zones on the zodiac and zen.

This is a zither. Is this a zither?

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?


A good start: Professional feedback with suggestions for improvement​


How persuasive are you and your messages in speeches and presentations? How good are you at the 111+ most important presentation skills? I have been analyzing speeches since 1998. After evaluating 14,375 speeches and presentations, and numerous mistakes of my own, most of which I only discovered after a delay, I can tell you exactly what works with which audience. Let me give you the feedback that will help you get ahead. You will receive essential feedback and recommendations, as well as the impulses you need to persuade your audience in concrete situations.

Are you interested? If so, here is how to get helpful feedback with recommendations for improving your speeches and presentations.



Do you know of any other tongue twisters?


Professional impact analysis: How are you perceived by other people?

How do you actually affect people in conversations, speeches and presentations, in interviews? Professional feedback helps. What insights does an impact analysis offer you?

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He threw three free throws.

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: September 26, 2018
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 20th, 2023
Translation: ./.
German version:

The importance of showing appreciation: 10 good reasons to show appreciation

The Importance of Showing Appreciation: 10 Good Reasons To Show Appreciation

Why appreciation matters so much.
The Importance of Appreciation

Showing appreciation to other people


We all need to know that we’re important in other people’s lives. Humans need to be noticed and valued — in private and business life. Why do I believe that it is so important to show appreciation? Because…

The Importance of Appreciation

Why appreciation matters so much


At least in Germany, the term “appreciation” degenerates into a buzzword; today it is used inflationary and is seldom meant honestly. Although appreciation is often confused with praise and recognition for achievements, real appreciation goes much further. It regards colleagues as human beings who are valuable because of their abilities, personality, and uniqueness. Regardless of their position in the company, each employee has enormous potential in different areas.

Respect, recognition, and benevolence are a part of how we show appreciation. Appreciation is characterized by interest, attention, devotion, and friendliness.

Appreciation is a fundamental human need in both professional and private life. We want to be appreciated by what we are, what we do, and what we achieve. We all need to know that we’re important in other people’s lives. And we need to feel that we are appreciated — in private in business life. It doesn’t matter whether your office is a boardroom, classroom, or anywhere else. We all want to be noticed and valued. Appreciation is at the core of all healthy relationships. Most of us feel like we don’t get enough appreciation. Did you know that one of the main reasons people leave their jobs is because of a lack of appreciation? It’s demoralizing when you’re not recognized for your efforts and skills. There are a lot of people who do things for you every day. Employees, colleagues, family, and friends are expected to do their part. Do they know that you appreciate them? Let others know that you appreciate them.

Why do I believe that it is so important to show appreciation? Because…

Appreciation is powerful. 10 good reasons to show appreciation


Appreciation is the act of giving something or someone their proper value, and everybody has value. The value in a relationship is important because it lets a person know where they stand, and what they mean to you; appreciation is a way of letting that person know what you value. There are plenty of powerful benefits to the recipient and giver as well. Here are a few examples.

Apply appreciation to your relationships in business and private life and you will…


1. … make other people happy.


Appreciation is a fundamental human need in both professional and private life. We want to be appreciated by what we are, what we do, and what we achieve.




2. … make yourself happy.


When you express your appreciation for someone, you will not only improve their lives but yours as well. You will feel more fulfilled because you have done something to make someone else’s life better. It will change your mindset. Our mood and daily outlooks change when we focus on positive things rather than negative.




3. … boost moral.


Appreciation boots moral. It has the largest effect on trust when it occurs immediately after a goal has been met, when it comes from peers, and when it’s tangible, unexpected, personal, and public.




4. … motivate others.


One of the easiest and most effective ways to motivate others is by appreciating them. When you praise or appreciate someone, it indicates that you have recognized their effort. It may encourage them to go the extra mile. Giving recognition inspires greatness in others.




5. … build trust in relationships.


Gratitude makes us nicer, more trusting, more social, and more appreciative. As a result, it helps us make more friends, deepen our existing relationships, and improve our marriage. Those who express appreciation with others are more committed to them and more likely to stay in the relationship.




6. … show respect.


Respect is an essential ingredient for healthy relationships.




7. … deepen your relationships.


When you look for the good instead of the bad in the surrounding people, you begin to notice just how interesting they are. You will engage at a higher level. It will accelerate the relationship-building process and enhance their overall impression of you.




8. … see more clearly what counts.


Your focus change and will be more positive.




9. … see more innovative results.


Employees who recognize their team members experience a huge increase in innovation.




10. … increase your effectiveness.


Giving appreciation has a direct impact on results. For example; employees who give or get appreciation experience a huge increase in work results.






Go ahead and thank someone for something they’ve done for you. It costs you so little, but it might mean the world to the other person.

Survey results


Do you feel appreciated by your employer?


Rare to never


Just enough



Result of a non-representative survey on and among participants attending events of NOACK Training & Coaching Berlin (n= 633)

Appreciation within the company I work for is…


rarely meant seriously.


usually meant seriously.

Result of a non-representative survey on and among participants attending events of NOACK Training & Coaching Berlin (n= 645)

What can a company do to value its employees?


Companies that are serious about appreciation should consistently live the values they share. Unfortunately, this is rather the exception! All the more gratifying that some of my clients are willing to take this step. All too often, it’s all about declarations of intent.

What can each individual employee contribute?


Each of us can open our mouths, express ourselves appropriately, and show appreciation to others. By the way, even superiors are still human beings. We cannot say “Thank you!” often enough. It costs so little and brings so much.

And how can I express to my colleagues that I appreciate them?


Speak out what is valued about each other. Small gifts maintain friendship; whether verbal or quietly, sometimes symbolically tangible. Even an honestly meant smile can speak volumes. And undivided attention, as natural as it should be and yet is not, is also a precious commodity.

Be ready for important conversations and negotiations


Communication can be easy. But often it is not. Sometimes we say one thing and then realize later, based on the other person's reaction, that they were talking to someone else. With the best will in the world, I didn't say that. - Or did I?

More or less consciously, conversations are about convincing other people of something - be it a special offer, your personality, a perspective, or a necessity. If this doesn't happen quickly enough, and above all, if it isn't precise and vivid, the other person quickly loses interest, and we lose the hoped-for opportunity. - The conversation has failed.

You can let me help you prepare for your meetings and negotiations (to be on the safe side: no legal advice!). Find out how you and your message are perceived (arguments, body language, language, voice, and much more). I will train you in effective tools and communication strategies. Develop your psychological skills, learn to stay calm, act confidently, remain authentic, and ultimately convince.

Just ask me personally


Please post any questions that may be of interest to other readers in the comments. Looking for professional help?

If you are interested in coaching, training or consulting, if you have organizational questions, or if you want to make an appointment, you can reach me best via this contact form (you can choose whether you want to enter your personal data) or via e-mail ( The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. That is why you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees and getting to know me. If you like what you see, I look forward to working with you.


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How about taking the time to appreciate someone today? And do you know how to appreciate yourself?


Professional impact analysis: How are you perceived by other people?

How do you actually affect people in conversations, speeches and presentations, in interviews? Professional feedback helps. What insights does an impact analysis offer you?

Do you have a mentor?

Do you have a mentor?

Almost every successful leader had a mentor. What is important to keep in mind, what makes a good mentor? Learn how a mentor can support you.

read more
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in group or individual training or coaching.

Published: March 21, 2001
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: May 15, 2021
Translation: ./.
German version:

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