Motto of the day
A daily motto for personal development
The motto of the day
Find out why I recommend a motto to you every day and how you personally benefit from it.
Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.
Aldous Huxley
Give the day a motto and …
If we can’t add more days to life, then at least we can add more quality of life to the days. But how?
By giving each day a motto, I devote myself thoughtfully to a particular aspect.
The energy flows to where the attention is. And that is where the motto of the day comes in. Personal development through daily inspiration.
Based on my own experience, I know that the motto of the day contributes to personal development. Depending on how the respective thought is used; a daily motto is inspiring and helpful.
Everyone can make his own experience with it. On this occasion, I like to share my observations and recommendations.
Good questions
Ask yourself constructive questions like the following and you will personally benefit from each motto of the day:
- What triggers the topic in you?
- Under what circumstances do you agree with the statement and when not?
- What is the significance of the statement for you?
- How can the motto of the day enrich your life?
- In what context could the statement be useful?
- Where and when do you want to remember it and how?
When we disagree
There is often something personal to learn from quotations with which we disagree.
Helpful questions in such a case are:
- What do you specifically disagree with?
- Do you think the statement is generally not helpful or only not suitable for you personally?
- Which aspect is worth taking a closer look at?
Where to find a daily motto?
And where does the motto of the day come from?
Choose a motto for yourself or pick the most suitable quotations you can find. Have a look at those on my homepage. Either way, a daily motto can be very rewarding. Your perspective will unfold the potential.
Who wants to subscribe to the daily motto as an RSS feed can do this here:
Poll results
I gained experience with a daily motto and …
... it was good for me.
... a motto has not paid off for me.
Non-representative survey on (2018, n=792)
Be present, aware and enjoy!
How do you pay attention to the present moment? How would it be to enjoy every moment even more today?
Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent. –Dionysius of Halicarnassus
When it is better to speak up and when to stay silent. How to know which one is the better decision?
A mighty flame arises from a tiny spark. –Dante Alighieri
What spark do you want to bring into the world and what do you expect from it? Is it worth standing up for and giving the idea a real chance?
Without proper attitude, words are just words
Many words, little meaning! The world is full of promises that are not kept. If it bothers us, we could change it. At least for ourselves, we can decide whether we stand by our words or not. How about being more attentive to our own statements?
Those who seek injustice, just need to open their eyes.
How would it be today to look more closely at how we have something to contribute to more fairness in this world? What reality deserves some support? Where can something be made fairer, friendlier, more beautiful? What stands in the way?
Imagination is the most beautiful daughter of truth, only a little more vivid than its mother. –Carl Spitteler
What reality deserves some support? Where can something be made fairer, friendlier, more beautiful? What stands in the way?
One big mistake we can make is to be constantly afraid of making a mistake.
What helps to deal with an uncertain future: fear, courage or ignorance?
Not what we have but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance. –Epicurus
Abundance? It is such a cliche, but it is true: money cannot buy happiness. One of the quickest and easiest ways to allow abundance into your life is by deliberately focusing more on gratitude.
Swallow your pride occasionally, it’s non-fattening!
What do you think about the motto of the day? Do you always have to insist that you are right?
Some people have accumulated so many hunches and opinions that there is no more space for learning.
Those who already know everything, don’t want to and will learn nothing more. What exactly is healthy doubt and how can we foster it?
And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been. Rainer Maria Rilke
Out with the old, in with the new: may you be happy the whole year through.
A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself.
Happy New Year.
A synonym is a word you use when you can’t spell the other one. –Baltasar Gracián
What do you think about the motto of the day? How about good reasons to know synonyms?

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.
Published: June 21, 2001
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: September 20, 2020
Translation: ./.
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