Professional impact analysis: How are you perceived by other people?

How do you and your messages affect the audience?
17 hints that someone is a manipulator

Self-perception and impact analysis


How do you affect people in conversations, speeches, and presentations, in interviews? We all have our blind spots. It is a good reason because for experts, company representatives, and politicians, the impact analysis is part of the preparation of a speech, presentation, statement, interview, or discussion. To explore the effect before the real event has a lot of advantages. How do you and your message affect your audience?

Do you know how you affect other people?


How do you interact with other people when you meet them? For example, how do you communicate in meetings and presentations? We communicate constantly. Yes, you too! And even if you do not intend to. Whether we want it or not; much of what we do or do not do is perceived and interpreted by others. Your messages are not always understood as you want them to be.




Professional impact analysis


For experts, many professional company spokespersons, company representatives, and politicians, the impact analysis is part of the preparation of a performance, such as speeches, presentations, statements, interviews, and discussions. So you can explore the effect even before the performance in front of an audience. This will tell you in advance how you and your message will be perceived.




Honest and constructive feedback


The more influential your position in a company is, the more you are under observation. Then every moment becomes an appearance in front of an audience. Every detail gets meaning. Whether in the media, at events, and even in seemingly private situations; every word that is said and omitted can be interpreted. Every detail shapes the image that the public has in mind about you and your message.

  • How do you affect others?
  • How are you understood?
  • Which image do you convey?
  • In which aspects can you improve?


I will give you a useful picture of how you are perceived in public. This is particularly beneficial for executives and representatives of companies, associations, and political parties.




Impact analysis


Just a few thoughtless words in front of the audience, microphone, and camera can have consequences. For this reason, it is worthwhile to prepare carefully for important situations. For many professional company spokespersons, company representatives, and politicians, the impact analysis is part of the preparation.

Even many experienced speakers are not so experienced when it comes to media appearances. It does not belong to everyday life for everyone. To master such situations you need to be sovereign in front of the camera and in studio situations, provocative journalist questions, and vehement attacks of an opponent in a debate or podium discussion.

Better safe than sorry. Afterward, we are often smarter, but then it is a bit too late. Better: An impact analysis provides a speaker with professional feedback before the actual event. Get feedback before the critics get their turn. Why should you take unnecessary risks? Why should you give up a successful performance? Prepare for crucial situations. Rehearse. Get feedback for it. This allows you to experience the impact beforehand and to optimize it if necessary.




Elements of impact analysis


  • Voice
  • Body language
  • Stage presence, enthusiasm, and credibility
  • Choice of words and style
  • Emotional response
  • Arguments and strategy
  • Red thread and structure
  • Key messages
  • Professional repartee
  • Risk analysis
  • Foreseeable effects
  • Act in front of a microphone and camera
  • Dealing with provocative questions and attacks




Your impact analysis


How are you perceived, and what can you improve to convincingly present yourself and your message?

Based on your impact analysis, you receive recommendations that help you to optimize your appearance. If you wish, you will receive targeted support for your sovereignty, charisma, and self-marketing for speeches and media appearances. I support you from the impact analysis, and optimization up to the dress rehearsal, or even the accompaniment to the performance. You decide!

The impact analysis can be booked individually for 60 minutes or is the beginning of more comprehensive support for the preparation of an event. This is also possible with sessions via telephone or with video support.

You decide how extensive the analysis is. Many factors affect how you are perceived. Here are examples:




1. Direct analysis


A brief meeting is enough to get your first feedback on how you affect other people. You will learn from me immediately a lot about your verbal and body language effects, as well as ways to improve.




2. Evaluation of events


In addition to the direct analysis, various sources can be consulted; Recordings of interviews, TV appearances, speeches, social media, etc.




3. Qualitative interviews


Qualitative interviews with relevant target groups are used to analyze interesting aspects.

Then you will receive your personal and honest impact analysis. The whole truth or perception of your person!




4. Feedback


With this feedback and recommendations, you’ll have what you need to know when you choose to balance expectations with you and your demeanor to reach and convince your audience.

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How well do you actually know yourself? What would you like to know about yourself and how you are perceived by other people?


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This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: June 27, 2009
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 20th, 2023
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