The first rule of rhetoric: Let us start with the basics of speaking.

The fundamental role that is mostly neglected
First rule of rhetoric: Let us start with the basics of speaking.

The first rule of rhetoric


Does everyone have to say something about everything? In my opinion, the most important rule of rhetoric and good communication style is that those who have nothing to say should shut up.

You have something to say? Let's make sure it gets the chance it deserves.

The first and most important rule of rhetoric



1. rhetorical rule:


Those who have nothing to say should shut up.


It is worthwhile to consider the most important rule of rhetoric. And it isn’t a new one.




The basics of communication


The first rule of good style – almost sufficient in itself – is that you have something to say.

Arthur Schopenhauer




Once upon a time…


I had an otherwise very esteemed colleague who used to express himself regularly every 15 minutes. And he did this largely independently of the topic and the relevance of the personal contribution to it. He had read in a career guide that behavior would be good to progress with his career.

With cause and effect, it is sometimes such a thing. He has succeeded well with his career, and therefore he will probably consider this recommendation right. I think, however, that he was able to make a career with his other knowledge and skills. His verbal contributions in meetings, however, were no pleasure for everyone else involved. It was a direct violation of the 1st rule of rhetoric: Who has nothing to say, better shut up! Or in the words of Abraham Lincoln: “It is better to remain silent and be suspected of being an idiot than to speak and thereby remove all doubts.”




Am I exaggerating my position?


With some distance to this article, I tend to relativize my thoughts. I still stand by the basic statement, but the words can also be misunderstood. After all, I am a great friend of the idea that speakers express their thoughts while forming an opinion and sharing it with others. This can be very enriching for everyone involved. It is not about one’s ego, but about contributing something.

So every speaker is invited to think about his or her intention beforehand.

Preparing Important Speeches and Presentations



The Art of Effective Communication


Those who do not speak are not heard, and even those who do speak are not always successful. True success in communication requires mastering a few additional, critical steps to ensure your message resonates.



Make Your Message Shine


Do you want your message to be convincing and your personality to shine? I can help you prepare your speeches and presentations to achieve exactly that. Whether you need comprehensive guidance or just a few tweaks, you decide the level of support that fits your needs. At a minimum, I recommend a test run with professional feedback to fine-tune both your delivery and your content. This helps you understand how you and your message are perceived, identify what works well, and determine areas for improvement.



Why Wait for Feedback?


Why wait until after your real performance to receive valuable feedback, when it's too late to adjust? Early preparation is key. As the saying goes: 'Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.' With thorough preparation, you will not only feel more confident but will also be well-equipped to make a lasting impact.



Tailored Support to Fit Your Goals


You can decide where the effort is most worthwhile, based on the expected benefits. I offer support covering all areas of effective communication, including psychology, language, structure, voice, body language, storytelling, rhetorical techniques, and the use of media like PowerPoint. My goal is to help you deliver a well-rounded, impactful presentation.



Flexible Meeting Options


Not in Berlin? No problem. We can meet via telephone or video call. Of course, visiting Berlin can also be an enriching experience, and I am happy to welcome you here.



Overcome Stage Fright


Many people struggle with intense stage fright, which can cause their performance to fall short of its true potential. With my guidance, you can overcome these challenges and deliver your best possible performance. Together, we'll turn anxiety into confidence, ensuring that your message and personality shine through.

Professional Feedback: The Key to Impactful Presentations​


How Impactful Are Your Presentations?


How effective are you in your speeches and presentations? Are your skills strong in the 111+ essential areas of impactful presenting?

Since 1998, I have analyzed countless speeches and presentations. This extensive experience—including learning from my own mistakes—has given me a deep understanding of what works for different audiences.

Get the feedback you need to excel. With my help, you will receive actionable recommendations and insights that will allow you to connect with your audience and deliver your message effectively, regardless of the context.


Ready to Improve?


Interested? Here’s how you can receive valuable feedback to enhance your speeches and presentations.


Contact Me for More Information


If you have specific questions or want to know more about how I can help, just ask me directly. For questions that might interest others, please feel free to post them in the comments section below.



Looking for Professional Support?


If you're interested in coaching, training, or consulting, have organizational questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, the best way to reach me is through this contact form (where you can choose whether to provide your personal data) or by email at You can find the privacy policy here.



Transparency and Frequently Asked Questions


Transparency is important to me. To help you get started, I've provided answers to frequently asked questions about myself (profile), the services I offer, fees, and the process of getting to know me. If you like what you see, I'd be delighted to work with you.

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First rule of rhetoric: Those who have nothing to say should shut up. - Karsten Noack

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: May 2, 2015
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: November 19th, 2024
Translation: ./.
German version:

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