Speech Is Power: Make A Positive Impact!

How to present yourself and your offer more successfully
Speech Is Power: Make A Positive Impact!

Speech is power


Make an impact! Speech is power. And with that great power comes a great responsibility. I train and prepare your for your speeches and presentations.

Speech is power!


Yes, and power has a close relationship to responsibility. The responsibility is how to use this power, and also the responsibility to use it when you have to. Knowing that something needs to be improved means to stand up for it, and therefore to use the power of speech.




How about responsibilities?


Freedom may sound good, but the relationship to it is ambivalent. ​Most people do not want freedom because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility. Many really honest and respectful people let those more intrusive people persuade the masses. Even though they know better, they hold back with their opinion and their offers. It is not only important for them to speak up but for all. This leads to many disadvantages because we never hear the thoughts of those who don’t speak up. This is sad and it is also irresponsible. In the words of Moliere: “It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do.”

Speech is power!




I have a dream


Not every speech wants to change the world, and not any that wants to change it will deliver a tangible contribution. But sometimes it would be nice to help shape things, right? It is good to know how to make a positive impact when it is time to stand up. Speech is power!




Be prepared


In case you believe everything around you is like you want it to be, and it will consist without any support, you may be in a luxurious situation. Enjoy it!

Not everywhere, everything is fair and life is paradise. In case you want to make the world a better place, be prepared to stand up. Train your most impactful tool; your power of speech.




Respect and empathy


Some people are silent and some scream. Both extremes do not provide the necessary contribution.

I believe that every argument needs a healthy amount of respect and empathy. I guess you know how to do that because you already filter yourself when speaking with people you care about. If you said every thought that popped into your head, there is a good chance you may not have as many friends as you do now, and the same principle extends to political discussions. You have to grasp that other people may have experienced different and more difficult hardships that you may not have faced yet, or maybe never will. Jump into their perspective and explore it, speak their language. Say what you want, anywhere you want, as long as you do it with empathy. Empathy is what makes us human.




Let me support you


Train your most impactful tool; your power of speech, and use it with respect. You are given a choice of how you use the power of speech. With great power comes great responsibility, use it respectfully, and I will support you to present yourself and your offer successfully.

Preparing Important Speeches and Presentations



The Art of Effective Communication


Those who do not speak are not heard, and even those who do speak are not always successful. True success in communication requires mastering a few additional, critical steps to ensure your message resonates.



Make Your Message Shine


Do you want your message to be convincing and your personality to shine? I can help you prepare your speeches and presentations to achieve exactly that. Whether you need comprehensive guidance or just a few tweaks, you decide the level of support that fits your needs. At a minimum, I recommend a test run with professional feedback to fine-tune both your delivery and your content. This helps you understand how you and your message are perceived, identify what works well, and determine areas for improvement.



Why Wait for Feedback?


Why wait until after your real performance to receive valuable feedback, when it's too late to adjust? Early preparation is key. As the saying goes: 'Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.' With thorough preparation, you will not only feel more confident but will also be well-equipped to make a lasting impact.



Tailored Support to Fit Your Goals


You can decide where the effort is most worthwhile, based on the expected benefits. I offer support covering all areas of effective communication, including psychology, language, structure, voice, body language, storytelling, rhetorical techniques, and the use of media like PowerPoint. My goal is to help you deliver a well-rounded, impactful presentation.



Flexible Meeting Options


Not in Berlin? No problem. We can meet via telephone or video call. Of course, visiting Berlin can also be an enriching experience, and I am happy to welcome you here.



Overcome Stage Fright


Many people struggle with intense stage fright, which can cause their performance to fall short of its true potential. With my guidance, you can overcome these challenges and deliver your best possible performance. Together, we'll turn anxiety into confidence, ensuring that your message and personality shine through.

Contact Me for More Information


If you have specific questions or want to know more about how I can help, just ask me directly. For questions that might interest others, please feel free to post them in the comments section below.



Looking for Professional Support?


If you're interested in coaching, training, or consulting, have organizational questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, the best way to reach me is through this contact form (where you can choose whether to provide your personal data) or by email at mail@karstennoack.com. You can find the privacy policy here.



Transparency and Frequently Asked Questions


Transparency is important to me. To help you get started, I've provided answers to frequently asked questions about myself (profile), the services I offer, fees, and the process of getting to know me. If you like what you see, I'd be delighted to work with you.

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How do you handle the power of speech and your responsibilities?


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Speech is power: Make a positive impact! Karsten Noak

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: June 21, 2001
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: January 22, 2020
Translation: ./.
German version:

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