Presentation design: 20 tips for PowerPoint, Keynote and Co.

Presentation Design: 20 Tips For PowerPoint, Keynote and Co.

How to create PowerPoint presentations that make you and your message look good
Presentation design

Presentation design


What makes a convincing presentation with presentation software? Here are some tips for presentation design with PowerPoint, Keynote and Co.

You have something to say? Let's make sure it gets the chance it deserves.

PowerPoint™, Keynote™ & Co.


The majority of PowerPoint presentations should be protected from laws such as those governing the misuse of narcotics. For a long time, the audience has to endure lengthy presentations with details that provide neither personal reference nor inspiration and certainly do not generate any positive emotions. Typical are tons of meaningless numbers, a lot of text, and boring theory. Overloaded slides dominate. Unprepared presenters cling to the bullet point. The interest of the audience is put to sleep!


PowerPoint from Microsoft™ is a widespread computer presentation program of Microsoft™. Another product for this purpose is Keynote™ from Apple™, and there are other programs or apps. Presentations can be created and accompanied by such programs.






Presentation software is always under criticism. Like any tool, it can be used well and badly. Negative examples are usually based on the fact that no basic knowledge and skills were acquired to build presentations. Then the information is ruthlessly squeezed into the presentation slides.

PowerPoint is when someone works 4 hours, so he can show in 20 minutes what he could say in 5 minutes.

20 tips for presentation design and presentation


PowerPoint can be a powerful tool to support a presentation. But it can also cause the listener to fall asleep, called Death by PowerPoint. Or being misused to distract from the essential. Like any tool, it is the user who decides whether to use it wisely or not.




1. Keep your distance from the computer at the beginning


Do not start the presentation design with the presentation software. If you start right away with PowerPoint and Co., then you restrict your possibilities right from the start.





2. Bullet points


With enumerations, the creation of presentation slides is quick and easy. That’s why bullet points are so common. During the presentation, speakers orient themselves along with the keywords and think they can save time for proper preparations.

For the audience, this is no pleasure! Use bullets as sparingly as possible.




3. Use simple graphics


Graphics should be easy to understand. Complex images bind the audience’s attention for too long and reduce the speaker’s impact.




4. Each slide has a maximum of one core message


Stay concentrated and encourage your audience to do the same. Dedicate a maximum of one core message to each slide.




5. Do you have a beautiful logo?


It is great if you are proud of your logo. Just, please don’t overdo it. It is enough to have the logo on the first and last pages. The same applies to your domain and other contact details.




6. Visual gimmicks


It flickers and flutters, and every animation PowerPoint offers should be tried out? Don’t torture the eyes and nerves of your audience.




7. Embed fonts


If the presentation software allows it, embed your fonts in the file. Otherwise, impressive visual effects may occur during the presentation on a foreign system. They rarely support your message.




8. Keywords


Put keywords on your slides instead of worded text. Long texts tempt you to read them aloud, and the audience will do the same. This makes you superfluous or even disturbs the reading of the audience. And to be honest; how well can you read aloud, and would you like to experience this yourself as a participant in the audience?




9. Simple graphics or photos instead of lots of text


Visualize your messages in such a way that they can be understood quickly and clearly. A simple photo, a sketch underlining the statements of speakers are good.




10. Embed multimedia elements


It is safer to embed multimedia elements so that they also work during the presentation. What worked in the office can look completely different on another computer. Also, file often on the computer or server in the office and are inadvertently not taken along.




11. Standard quality


A large headline, about five bullet points and quickly set a nice picture next to it. Ready?

Most presentations with PowerPoint and Co. look similar. This quickly leads to fatigue in the audience. Those who design their slides more differently and appealingly attract and hold the attention of the audience.




12. Fonts


The choice of font is a statement. Beyond standard fonts, such as Times New Roman and Arial, there are worthwhile fonts to discover. In addition to readability, the message of the font also plays an important role. Please be careful with the number of fonts used.




13. Own hardware for the presentation


Preferably, use your trusted hardware for the presentation. Better be safe than sorry! Murphy is already waiting to be remembered.




14. Corporate design


Coordinate the presentation with the corporate design.




15. Graphic designers can be very helpful


Not everyone has the budget for first-class graphic designers. But they can do what only graphic designers can do: excellent design!

When it comes to a presentation, schedule support from graphic designers.

I’m not a graphic designer, so I’m always interested in recommendations of graphic designers. If you know someone …?




16. Presentation slides are aids


More is better? No, the saying “less is more” also comes true in presentations. With presentation software and presentation slides, the respective goal should be supported. Even the most beautiful slides should not replace the speaker’s presentation. Otherwise, the file could be sent by e-mail. Not every piece of information you want to convey should be found on the slides. The slides should not replace the presentation but underline it. Remember that the focus is on you as the speaker and your message, not your presentation slides.




17. Presentation slides as a handout


To save time, presentation slides are created in such a way that they serve as a handout. The opulent result then confuses the audience.




18. Printout


Murphy prefers to be seen where it is most spectacular because that is his nature. So: Print out your slides! The poor forest? Yes, that’s right, but it calms you down.




19. Media combinations


Even the best digital presentation slides can be supplemented with analog sketches completed on site. Reach for the pen in between and go to the flip chart. This will help you attract attention.




20. Emotions


Make sure that the desired emotions are also transported via the image protection presentation.


Preparing Important Speeches and Presentations



The Art of Effective Communication


Those who do not speak are not heard, and even those who do speak are not always successful. True success in communication requires mastering a few additional, critical steps to ensure your message resonates.



Make Your Message Shine


Do you want your message to be convincing and your personality to shine? I can help you prepare your speeches and presentations to achieve exactly that. Whether you need comprehensive guidance or just a few tweaks, you decide the level of support that fits your needs. At a minimum, I recommend a test run with professional feedback to fine-tune both your delivery and your content. This helps you understand how you and your message are perceived, identify what works well, and determine areas for improvement.



Why Wait for Feedback?


Why wait until after your real performance to receive valuable feedback, when it's too late to adjust? Early preparation is key. As the saying goes: 'Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.' With thorough preparation, you will not only feel more confident but will also be well-equipped to make a lasting impact.



Tailored Support to Fit Your Goals


You can decide where the effort is most worthwhile, based on the expected benefits. I offer support covering all areas of effective communication, including psychology, language, structure, voice, body language, storytelling, rhetorical techniques, and the use of media like PowerPoint. My goal is to help you deliver a well-rounded, impactful presentation.



Flexible Meeting Options


Not in Berlin? No problem. We can meet via telephone or video call. Of course, visiting Berlin can also be an enriching experience, and I am happy to welcome you here.



Overcome Stage Fright


Many people struggle with intense stage fright, which can cause their performance to fall short of its true potential. With my guidance, you can overcome these challenges and deliver your best possible performance. Together, we'll turn anxiety into confidence, ensuring that your message and personality shine through.

Professional Feedback: The Key to Impactful Presentations​


How Impactful Are Your Presentations?


How effective are you in your speeches and presentations? Are your skills strong in the 111+ essential areas of impactful presenting?

Since 1998, I have analyzed countless speeches and presentations. This extensive experience—including learning from my own mistakes—has given me a deep understanding of what works for different audiences.

Get the feedback you need to excel. With my help, you will receive actionable recommendations and insights that will allow you to connect with your audience and deliver your message effectively, regardless of the context.


Ready to Improve?


Interested? Here’s how you can receive valuable feedback to enhance your speeches and presentations.


Contact Me for More Information


If you have specific questions or want to know more about how I can help, just ask me directly. For questions that might interest others, please feel free to post them in the comments section below.



Looking for Professional Support?


If you're interested in coaching, training, or consulting, have organizational questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, the best way to reach me is through this contact form (where you can choose whether to provide your personal data) or by email at You can find the privacy policy here.



Transparency and Frequently Asked Questions


Transparency is important to me. To help you get started, I've provided answers to frequently asked questions about myself (profile), the services I offer, fees, and the process of getting to know me. If you like what you see, I'd be delighted to work with you.

I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



What belongs to a convincing presentation with presentation software? Do you know further tips for the presentation design with PowerPoint, Keynote and Co.?


Captivate Your Audience: Mastering Props in Presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

Presentation slides
should support you and not replace you. - Karsten Noack

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: February 3, 2007
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: November 19th, 2024
Translation: ./.
German version:

The ancient speech structure for your speeches and presentations

The Ancient Greek Speech Structure For Your Speeches and Presentations

How to structure your speech to make a mighty impression
Ancient structuring formula for speeches and presentation

Ancient speech structure


The ancient greek speech structure is probably the oldest structuring formula for speeches. It dates back to antiquity. And it still works today for speeches and presentations. Learn how to convince classically.

You have something to say? Let's make sure it gets the chance it deserves.

Back to the roots: The ancient Greek speech structure


The Greeks and Romans cultivated the art of oratory. It had a quite high reputation in these cultures. Aristotle already knew that the speaker’s credibility, i.e. his ethos, was particularly important. And there are other things we can learn from this heyday of rhetoric. For example, in building up convincing speeches and presentations.




The structure of ancient Greek speech, step by step


Probably the oldest structure formula for speeches dates back to antiquity; the ancient Greek. It is particularly suitable for more extensive speeches. The structure is very well-thought-out and effective. Speeches are structured with it as follows:

1. First, win the benevolence


Prepare the audience to listen to the speaker’s point of view at all.




2. Describe the actual situation


Describe the previous development and the current status without evaluation. This prepares the ground for the next steps.




3. Point out alternatives.


What other possibilities exist?




4. Justify your recommendations and discuss their advantages.


Why do you prefer your recommendation?




5. Disprove possible counterarguments


What counterarguments could there be and how do you refute them?




6. Summarize your most important words


Summarize your words and come to a conclusion.




7. Inspire your audience


Get the audience moving.




8. Call for action


What should the audience do now?






Steps 6 to 8 are called conclusions (conclusio) in the classical form.



Is that enough theory? You can find out more about the practical use of ancient rhetoric in Presentations Skills Training III, without the need for ancient Greek or Latin.

Preparing Important Speeches and Presentations



The Art of Effective Communication


Those who do not speak are not heard, and even those who do speak are not always successful. True success in communication requires mastering a few additional, critical steps to ensure your message resonates.



Make Your Message Shine


Do you want your message to be convincing and your personality to shine? I can help you prepare your speeches and presentations to achieve exactly that. Whether you need comprehensive guidance or just a few tweaks, you decide the level of support that fits your needs. At a minimum, I recommend a test run with professional feedback to fine-tune both your delivery and your content. This helps you understand how you and your message are perceived, identify what works well, and determine areas for improvement.



Why Wait for Feedback?


Why wait until after your real performance to receive valuable feedback, when it's too late to adjust? Early preparation is key. As the saying goes: 'Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.' With thorough preparation, you will not only feel more confident but will also be well-equipped to make a lasting impact.



Tailored Support to Fit Your Goals


You can decide where the effort is most worthwhile, based on the expected benefits. I offer support covering all areas of effective communication, including psychology, language, structure, voice, body language, storytelling, rhetorical techniques, and the use of media like PowerPoint. My goal is to help you deliver a well-rounded, impactful presentation.



Flexible Meeting Options


Not in Berlin? No problem. We can meet via telephone or video call. Of course, visiting Berlin can also be an enriching experience, and I am happy to welcome you here.



Overcome Stage Fright


Many people struggle with intense stage fright, which can cause their performance to fall short of its true potential. With my guidance, you can overcome these challenges and deliver your best possible performance. Together, we'll turn anxiety into confidence, ensuring that your message and personality shine through.

Professional Feedback: The Key to Impactful Presentations​


How Impactful Are Your Presentations?


How effective are you in your speeches and presentations? Are your skills strong in the 111+ essential areas of impactful presenting?

Since 1998, I have analyzed countless speeches and presentations. This extensive experience—including learning from my own mistakes—has given me a deep understanding of what works for different audiences.

Get the feedback you need to excel. With my help, you will receive actionable recommendations and insights that will allow you to connect with your audience and deliver your message effectively, regardless of the context.


Ready to Improve?


Interested? Here’s how you can receive valuable feedback to enhance your speeches and presentations.


Contact Me for More Information


If you have specific questions or want to know more about how I can help, just ask me directly. For questions that might interest others, please feel free to post them in the comments section below.



Looking for Professional Support?


If you're interested in coaching, training, or consulting, have organizational questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, the best way to reach me is through this contact form (where you can choose whether to provide your personal data) or by email at You can find the privacy policy here.



Transparency and Frequently Asked Questions


Transparency is important to me. To help you get started, I've provided answers to frequently asked questions about myself (profile), the services I offer, fees, and the process of getting to know me. If you like what you see, I'd be delighted to work with you.

I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



Do you have any experience with this speech structure?


Captivate Your Audience: Mastering Props in Presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

Great Ideas Need Wings As Well As Landing Gear And...

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: March 6, 2015
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: November 19th, 2024
Translation: ./.
German version:

Freedom of speech, yes! Free speech comes with responsibilities.

Freedom Of Speech, Yes! Free Speech Comes With Responsibilities.

Free speech is a privilege and a responsibility
Free Speech Comes With Responsibilities
You have something to say? Let's make sure it gets the chance it deserves.

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.

Eleanor Roosevelt



Freedom of speech


Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. It sounds true, and it is true. And it is also not always right to hide behind that saying.









Some thoughts on the freedom of speech


If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all. Well, nobody can make you feel bad without your permission!

Let’s think twice about that. It sounds true. And it is true. But what is missing here are the responsibilities. Because that saying also sets up a world where you have no responsibility for your speech.

I support the right to free speech. It is part of my profession when I support all those different people to present themselves and their offers. I believe in choosing to exercise that right responsibly and respectfully. Free speech comes with responsibilities. It is essential for society, and so is respect. Therefore, I recommend speaking carefully. Do your best to be kind. And don’t be radical unless it’s your last choice. Don’t be offensive!

The problem I see with the argument is that one person’s version of being offensive is very different from another. Be careful: When you hurt the values you want to protect, you lose your credibility. Walk your talk!

Contact Me for More Information


If you have specific questions or want to know more about how I can help, just ask me directly. For questions that might interest others, please feel free to post them in the comments section below.



Looking for Professional Support?


If you're interested in coaching, training, or consulting, have organizational questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, the best way to reach me is through this contact form (where you can choose whether to provide your personal data) or by email at You can find the privacy policy here.



Transparency and Frequently Asked Questions


Transparency is important to me. To help you get started, I've provided answers to frequently asked questions about myself (profile), the services I offer, fees, and the process of getting to know me. If you like what you see, I'd be delighted to work with you.

I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



What do you think?


Captivate Your Audience: Mastering Props in Presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

Talk with people who let you see the world differently.

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: March 21, 2001
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: November 19th, 2024
Translation: ./.
German version:

How to Structure Your Speeches and Presentations: Opening, Body, Conclusion

How to Structure Your Speeches and Presentations: Opening, Body, Conclusion

Speech Structure
Do You Trust More Your Ears Or Your Eyes?

How to Organize Your Speech: Structure Made Simple


How do you organize your speeches and presentations for maximum impact? The simplest and most effective structure—taught at the school level and still relevant today—remains a timeless tool for delivering clear and engaging messages.

In this article, you’ll learn how to use this classic structure to captivate your audience and ensure your message resonates:

  • Opening:
    Capture attention and set the tone for your speech.
  • Body:
    Present your main points logically and support them with evidence or stories.
  • Conclusion:
    Summarize key takeaways and leave a lasting impression.

Discover how this proven formula can elevate your public speaking and help you organize your ideas effectively.


The worst speech you’ll ever give, will be far better than the one you never give.

Opening, Body, Conclusion


The simplest speech structure—taught at the school level—remains a fundamental tool for effective communication. Like any good story, your speech or presentation needs a clear beginning, middle, and end. By giving your speech this structure, you create a foundation for success and meet the expectations of your audience.




1. Opening


The first minute of your speech is crucial. It’s your chance to captivate your audience and set the stage for the message you want to deliver. Here’s how to craft an engaging opening:

  • Capture Attention:
    Start with a thought-provoking question, a bold statement, or a relevant quote. Aim to surprise or intrigue your audience.
  • Establish Relevance:
    Explain why your topic
    matters and how it relates to your audience’s interests or needs.
  • Introduce Your Thesis:
    Clearly state the central idea of your speech in a concrete and precise way.
  • Preview the Structure:
    Provide a roadmap for your audience, outlining the main points you’ll cover.

Once you’ve secured your audience’s attention and set the context, transition smoothly into the body of your speech.




2. Body


The body of your speech is where you communicate your main ideas. To ensure clarity and impact:

  • Focus on a Few Key Points:
    Limit your content to 2–4 main ideas to avoid overwhelming your audience.
  • Organize Logically:
    Arrange your points so they flow naturally, with each building on the previous one.
  • Support Your Ideas:
    Use examples, stories, or evidence to make your points memorable and relatable.

A well-structured body ensures your audience stays engaged and follows your message with ease.




3. Conclusion


The conclusion is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression. End your speech with impact by:

  • Summarizing Key Messages:
    Reinforce the core points of your speech.
  • Providing a Final Thought:
    Offer a takeaway or insight for your audience to ponder.
  • Evoking Emotion:
    Connect with your audience on an emotional level to make your speech memorable.
  • Repeating Your Core Message:
    Reiterate your main idea to ensure it sticks.

Finish with confidence, leaving your audience inspired, informed, or ready to take action.




More Advanced Speech Structures?


Yes! Beyond this basic structure, advanced frameworks can elevate your presentations, helping you make an even stronger impression. From storytelling techniques to persuasive argumentation models, these tools can enhance your ability to connect with your audience and achieve your objectives.

Preparing Important Speeches and Presentations



The Art of Effective Communication


Those who do not speak are not heard, and even those who do speak are not always successful. True success in communication requires mastering a few additional, critical steps to ensure your message resonates.



Make Your Message Shine


Do you want your message to be convincing and your personality to shine? I can help you prepare your speeches and presentations to achieve exactly that. Whether you need comprehensive guidance or just a few tweaks, you decide the level of support that fits your needs. At a minimum, I recommend a test run with professional feedback to fine-tune both your delivery and your content. This helps you understand how you and your message are perceived, identify what works well, and determine areas for improvement.



Why Wait for Feedback?


Why wait until after your real performance to receive valuable feedback, when it's too late to adjust? Early preparation is key. As the saying goes: 'Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.' With thorough preparation, you will not only feel more confident but will also be well-equipped to make a lasting impact.



Tailored Support to Fit Your Goals


You can decide where the effort is most worthwhile, based on the expected benefits. I offer support covering all areas of effective communication, including psychology, language, structure, voice, body language, storytelling, rhetorical techniques, and the use of media like PowerPoint. My goal is to help you deliver a well-rounded, impactful presentation.



Flexible Meeting Options


Not in Berlin? No problem. We can meet via telephone or video call. Of course, visiting Berlin can also be an enriching experience, and I am happy to welcome you here.



Overcome Stage Fright


Many people struggle with intense stage fright, which can cause their performance to fall short of its true potential. With my guidance, you can overcome these challenges and deliver your best possible performance. Together, we'll turn anxiety into confidence, ensuring that your message and personality shine through.

Professional Feedback: The Key to Impactful Presentations​


How Impactful Are Your Presentations?


How effective are you in your speeches and presentations? Are your skills strong in the 111+ essential areas of impactful presenting?

Since 1998, I have analyzed countless speeches and presentations. This extensive experience—including learning from my own mistakes—has given me a deep understanding of what works for different audiences.

Get the feedback you need to excel. With my help, you will receive actionable recommendations and insights that will allow you to connect with your audience and deliver your message effectively, regardless of the context.


Ready to Improve?


Interested? Here’s how you can receive valuable feedback to enhance your speeches and presentations.


Contact Me for More Information


If you have specific questions or want to know more about how I can help, just ask me directly. For questions that might interest others, please feel free to post them in the comments section below.



Looking for Professional Support?


If you're interested in coaching, training, or consulting, have organizational questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, the best way to reach me is through this contact form (where you can choose whether to provide your personal data) or by email at You can find the privacy policy here.



Transparency and Frequently Asked Questions


Transparency is important to me. To help you get started, I've provided answers to frequently asked questions about myself (profile), the services I offer, fees, and the process of getting to know me. If you like what you see, I'd be delighted to work with you.

I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.



How do you structure your speeches and presentations? If you’re looking for ideas or want to refine your approach, let’s explore together. I’d be happy to help you make your message impactful!​


Captivate Your Audience: Mastering Props in Presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: June 8, 2002
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: November 19th, 2024
Translation: ./.
German version:

15 Tips for your speech writing – step by step

15 Tips For Your Speech Writing - Step By Step

Interested in better speech writing? How to write a good speech
Interested In Better Speech Writing?

Better speech writing


Learn how to solve speech writing problems in all phases of the speech writing process. How to write a speech – step by step.

15 Tips for your speech writing – step by step


In case you want your speeches to do more than just present information, you will find here some tips. Yes, successful speeches are written to inform, but also to motivate, inspire and engage your audience. When crafting your next speech, follow these essential steps to maximize your impact.




1. Identify your objective


Be sure you know what that your objective is and how you can meet the expectations of your audience. What are the takeaways you want from your speech? What’s the objective you can realistically hope to achieve?

With the objectives in mind, you know where you’re headed and write your speech with a purpose.




2. Know your audience


Do your homework. Everything you know in advance will help you to create a powerful speech. Some questions you must answer before you even touch the keyboard:

  • Who is your audience?
  • Why are they in the audience?
  • And what do they want?


Writing a speech involves meeting the expectations of your audience, whether it is to inform, motivate, entertain, or even challenge. Do it in the right tone.




3. Get an overview and collect the content


I recommend using Mind Mapping to get an overview and to collect the potential elements.




4. Have one clear message


What do you want the people to think, feel, or do after your speech?

In case you could only deliver one sentence to your audience, what would it be? Condense your speech into one sentence. This is your core message.




5. Choose the best arguments


Collect as many arguments as you can find. Make sure you know the relevant pros and cons. What are the key arguments that support your main message?




6. Use a good structure


In case you think back on a terrible speech. What caused you to lose interest? Chances are, the speaker veered off a logical path. You need to choose a clear path and a destination. Your audience wants to know where you’re going and why. Therefore, set the expectation near your opening on what you’ll be covering.

There are plenty of commonsense structures to choose from. The problem and solution are one. Opportunity and leverage are another. The pros and cons are a third. How about the classical structure: Introduction – Body – Conclusion? Use the KaNo-structure or simply list your points in numerical order.




7. Write


With that preparation, it will be easy to start writing the first draft.

By the way: Sometimes I don’t write the first draft on a keyboard. Speaking, recording, and transcribing can lead to a more natural style.




8. Review the content in different ways


Each way to review the speech offers another insight. I see different things when the speech is printed on paper in comparison to when I work on it on a computer screen.

When I review the content out loud, I realize what may work and what doesn’t. This way I get a sense of which words are powerful, and which are fluff and should be removed or replaced.




9. Rewrite and rewrite and …


While you write and revise, focus on structuring and simplifying. Remove anything extraneous, contradictory, or confusing. If something doesn’t help you get your core message across, drop it.




10. Use transitions


Use transitional phrases to signal intent.




11. Have a great opening


Make sure you have the attention of your audience when you present your message. Capitalize on the goodwill and momentum you’ll enjoy in your earliest moments in front of your audience.

Ways to open with your speech or presentation:

  • Storytelling
  • Visualize an extraordinary scenario.
  • Statement
    A statement or phrase can catch the audience’s attention by keeping them guessing what you’re about to say next.
  • Use an interesting question.
  • Pause
    Silence brings attention to you.
  • What if…
    Asking a “what if” question invites the audience to follow your thought process.
  • Statistic
    Using a surprising, powerful, personalized statistic that resonates with the audience will get your message across right away.


Planing the opening is an important part of speech writing.




12. Be memorable


If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a metaphor is worth a thousand pictures. Therefore, use storytelling, metaphors, surprise to make a lasting impression on your audience.




13. Keep it as short as possible


The attention of your audience will naturally wane after a few minutes. They have a lot of other things to do, many user issues to think about. The longer you speak, the more competitive with other priorities. So make your points and sit down.




14. Have an effective final moment


It happens way too often; a public speaker begins their speech with a compelling opening. They cruise confidently into the body. Then they run out of gas as they come to the close of their speech. Your ending is what the audience will ultimately talk about when they head out the door. Make a strong call to action.




15. Strive for authenticity


Write your speech in a way that sounds authentic. Most people tend to write in another style than they do when speaking to someone else personally. A good speaker needs to be honest, to speak with conviction, to be real. Therefore, use your language.

Are you interested in better speech writing and presenting?


Are you frustrated because your speeches lack the quality you are looking for?
Are you tired of rewriting speeches at the last minute?
Do you want to improve the way you deliver speeches?


How much do mediocre speeches and presentations costing you?

Bad speeches are costing you. People aren’t hearing you and because of that, you’re missing out. You’re missing out on new customers, on that promotion you’ve been waiting for, and on opportunities to educate and motivate.

What would it mean to you and your organization if you could improve the quality of your speeches and reduce the amount of time it took to produce them. What would that mean in terms of saved time, stress and money? And what would it mean to deliver speeches that resonate better with audiences? Speeches that make audiences stand up and take action?

Are you interested? I solve speech writing problems for individuals and high-level organizations at all points of the speech writing process.

Many of my clients request great speeches written on high-profile occasions. Others value my help to transform their current speech or presentation to the next step. Most of my clients also benefit from my specific speech delivery coaching and training. My clients told me that working with me not only helped them improve the quality of their speeches but reduced immensely the time it takes to produce a speech. This saves you time, money and stress. Your speeches will also resonate better with audiences, boost your career and support your brand.

To find out more about how I can help you, click here.

Contact Me for More Information


If you have specific questions or want to know more about how I can help, just ask me directly. For questions that might interest others, please feel free to post them in the comments section below.



Looking for Professional Support?


If you're interested in coaching, training, or consulting, have organizational questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, the best way to reach me is through this contact form (where you can choose whether to provide your personal data) or by email at You can find the privacy policy here.



Transparency and Frequently Asked Questions


Transparency is important to me. To help you get started, I've provided answers to frequently asked questions about myself (profile), the services I offer, fees, and the process of getting to know me. If you like what you see, I'd be delighted to work with you.

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Captivate Your Audience: Mastering Props in Presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: March 7, 2007
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 14, 2019
Translation: ./.
German version:

Good speakers will offer additional perspectives

Good Speakers Will Offer Additional Perspectives

Exceptional good presentation skills

Offer an additional perspective


Enrich the mind of your audience by offering additional perspectives.

I hope your speech provides interesting insights


Does your speech offer some new insights to the audience? Do you invite them to explore another point of view? Or do you try to force them to accept your point of view? That may lead to even more resistance. A large part of whether persuasion is effective is based on the general rapport between you and your audience. If you don’t know them well, it’s imperative to start building this rapport immediately. First, you have to find common ground as soon as possible. Therefore, you have to start listening instead of leading. If you can identify ways to connect with your listeners, you can make your speech interesting and useful.






A good public speaker offers additional insights for several important reasons:




1. Enhance Understanding


Additional insights can help clarify complex topics, making them more accessible to the audience. They can provide context or examples that bridge the gap between abstract concepts and the audience’s prior knowledge or experiences.



2. Increase Engagement


Offering new perspectives or deeper insights can capture and hold the audience’s attention. It turns a monologue into a dynamic exchange of ideas, even if the interaction is mostly one-sided. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and reflect on the information presented.



3. Demonstrate Expertise


By sharing additional insights, a speaker demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject. This not only builds credibility but also reassures the audience that the speaker is knowledgeable and trustworthy.



4. Encourage Critical Thinking


Presenting insights beyond the surface encourages the audience to think critically about the subject. It invites them to engage with the material on a deeper level, fostering a more meaningful connection with the content.



5. Provide Value


In an information-rich world, audiences appreciate receiving content that goes beyond the basics. Additional insights offer extra value, making the time spent listening to the speaker feel more worthwhile.



6. Facilitate Memory Retention


Unique insights or novel perspectives are more memorable. By offering these, a speaker helps ensure that their message sticks with the audience long after the presentation is over.



7. Inspire Action


Insightful commentary can inspire listeners to take action. Whether it’s changing a belief, modifying behavior, or encouraging further exploration of a topic, additional insights can be the catalyst for change.

In essence, additional insights enrich the audience’s experience, making any speech or presentation not just a moment of learning but an opportunity for growth and commitment.




Help your audience to listen


A good strategy for communicating more effectively is to help your audience listen more effectively. To make your message more attractive, you have to be able to understand it from your listeners’ perspective.




You are the expert, and you have something to offer


Your audience prefers another solution as you do? Present the alternatives to your favorite solution. Invite the audience to explore them together with you. First talk about the pros and then about the cons of that solution. This way they will see you as an expert because you are. Finally, explore your solution with them while using all relevant senses. When they see and feel your arguments themselves, and they will make the arguments their own. When your suggestion is worth, you have a high chance that they will support it. And their decision last!

Preparing Important Speeches and Presentations



The Art of Effective Communication


Those who do not speak are not heard, and even those who do speak are not always successful. True success in communication requires mastering a few additional, critical steps to ensure your message resonates.



Make Your Message Shine


Do you want your message to be convincing and your personality to shine? I can help you prepare your speeches and presentations to achieve exactly that. Whether you need comprehensive guidance or just a few tweaks, you decide the level of support that fits your needs. At a minimum, I recommend a test run with professional feedback to fine-tune both your delivery and your content. This helps you understand how you and your message are perceived, identify what works well, and determine areas for improvement.



Why Wait for Feedback?


Why wait until after your real performance to receive valuable feedback, when it's too late to adjust? Early preparation is key. As the saying goes: 'Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.' With thorough preparation, you will not only feel more confident but will also be well-equipped to make a lasting impact.



Tailored Support to Fit Your Goals


You can decide where the effort is most worthwhile, based on the expected benefits. I offer support covering all areas of effective communication, including psychology, language, structure, voice, body language, storytelling, rhetorical techniques, and the use of media like PowerPoint. My goal is to help you deliver a well-rounded, impactful presentation.



Flexible Meeting Options


Not in Berlin? No problem. We can meet via telephone or video call. Of course, visiting Berlin can also be an enriching experience, and I am happy to welcome you here.



Overcome Stage Fright


Many people struggle with intense stage fright, which can cause their performance to fall short of its true potential. With my guidance, you can overcome these challenges and deliver your best possible performance. Together, we'll turn anxiety into confidence, ensuring that your message and personality shine through.

Professional Feedback: The Key to Impactful Presentations​


How Impactful Are Your Presentations?


How effective are you in your speeches and presentations? Are your skills strong in the 111+ essential areas of impactful presenting?

Since 1998, I have analyzed countless speeches and presentations. This extensive experience—including learning from my own mistakes—has given me a deep understanding of what works for different audiences.

Get the feedback you need to excel. With my help, you will receive actionable recommendations and insights that will allow you to connect with your audience and deliver your message effectively, regardless of the context.


Ready to Improve?


Interested? Here’s how you can receive valuable feedback to enhance your speeches and presentations.


Contact Me for More Information


Please post any questions that may interest other readers in the comments. Are you looking for professional support?

If you are interested in coaching, training, or consulting, for organizational questions and to make an appointment, you can reach me best by e-mail ( You can reach me by telephone at +49(0)30 864 213 68 and mobile phone at +49(0)1577 704 53 56 from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00. Most of the time I am in sessions, so please leave a message with your phone number in Germany, then. Please remember to be very specific about the reason for your call. I will call you back as soon as possible. The privacy policy can be found here.

Transparency is important. Therefore you will find answers to frequently asked questions already here, for example about me (profile), the services, the fees, and getting to know me. If this suits you, I look forward to working with you.



Does your speech offer some new insights to the audience? Do you invite them to explore another point of view? Or do you try to force them to accept your point of view?


Captivate Your Audience: Mastering Props in Presentations

So, I’ll see how much I want to hold back, because props are one of my favorites in speeches and presentations. When used thoughtfully, they work wonders on the audience.

This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: June 21, 2001
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: November 19th, 2024
Translation: ./.
German version:

error: Copyright