Hope, Enjoyment and Design

Motto of the day

Future, hope, design

Future: That time when our business is doing well, our friends are loyal and our happiness is secured.

Ambrose Bierce

Past, present, and future


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, which is why we call it the present.

Design instead of waiting and passively hoping everything will be fine.


Trusting in yourself and the future is certainly helpful in such a busy time. This is essential to handle the burdens instead of collapsing among them.

Hope is important, but it should not be passive hope. A fulfilling life also requires the clearest possible idea of ​​the goals.

  • Where do you want to travel?
  • What should the result look like?
  • What should be considered?

It requires, so to speak, first the travel or construction plan, then it goes to the realization.






Those who only look passively longingly into the future, where life passes by. The dream of a beautiful future is often misused as a comfort and distraction for the here and now, the life in the present. But life is happening right now.






Learn from the past, use the experiences, enjoy the here and now, and prepare constructively for the future, setting the course; is quite a demanding task.



I select the motto of the day mostly because something about it appeals to me. Something attracts me or irritates me. It feels as if it could contain something and I want to get to the root of it. So I dedicate a motto to each day and let myself be surprised what it has to offer me.

Sometimes the reason for the choice clarifies itself only after a while. That's why the thoughts about the motto of the day are often not articles, but associations. They are thoughts transformed into words. They are spontaneous and I also publish them frequently while I am traveling. They, therefore, tend to appear in fragments. Feel invited to add your associations in the comments. Enrich the thoughts with your perspectives – to complete the picture.




How do you benefit best from the motto of the day?


Ask yourself constructive questions like the following and you will personally benefit from each motto of the day:


  • What triggers the topic in you?
  • Under what circumstances do you agree with the statement and when not?
  • What is the significance of the statement for you?
  • How can the motto of the day enrich your life?
  • In what context could the statement be useful?
  • Where and when do you want to remember it and how?



And what can I do if I disagree with a motto? There is often something personal to learn from quotations with which we disagree. Helpful questions in such a case are:


  • What do you specifically disagree with?
  • Do you think the statement is generally not helpful or only not suitable for you personally?
  • Which aspect is worth taking a closer look at?



How do you manage the balance between past, present and future? What about hope and what can be done today to make it legitimate?

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This article is a short excerpt from the more comprehensive course materials my clients receive in a group or individual training or coaching.

Published: January 1, 2018
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: 1.1.2018
Translation: ./.
German version: November 25, 2019

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